Womanbeard on upper lip hair growth. Sign of ovarian disease
If women have very strong hair growth, this may be an indication of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). About six to eight percent of all women of childbearing age have this disease of the ovaries.
Dark fluff on the upper lip
Women who suffer from very strong hair growth may suffer from ovarian disease. Typical of the so-called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), for example, a dark fluff on the upper lip, wide, thick eyebrows, a pubic hair that pulls down to the thighs and in a wide strip to the navel and dark hair on the calves, the reports Professional Association of Gynecologists (BVF) in a recent communication.
Symptoms of ovarian disease
"Women who observe these symptoms should be examined in the gynecological practice," Dr. med. Christian Albring, President of the professional association of gynecologists and gynecologist in Hanover. "Because in many cases, all these symptoms are based on an ovarian disease that can be treated well."
In addition to the mentioned changes of skin and hair in the ultrasound, the doctor can then show many small bubbles close to the outer shell of the ovaries. Health experts say that between six and eight percent of all women of childbearing age have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This is in addition to cycle disorders and an increase in male sex hormones also associated with a loss of insulin.
Affected women have problems getting pregnant
When a PCOS is left untreated, it goes on and on, and not just all the cosmetic issues persist. As a result, it is often not possible for women to get pregnant without gynecological help. In addition, miscarriages are more common, and the risk of developing diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, thromboses and severe thyroid disorders increases significantly. Furthermore, losing weight becomes increasingly difficult over time.
Weight reduction and smoking cessation
Affected girls and women are advised to lose weight with a combination of less food and much more exercise, because "this is the necessary essence of the therapy to break the insulin resistance," said Prof. Dr. med. med. Rudolf Seufert, Head of the Hormone and Fertility Center at the University Hospital Mainz. In addition, hormonal therapy is available to regulate the disease processes of the PCOS.
While a fertility treatment at PCOS is possible in principle, it can take time and patience. In addition, complications occur more frequently during hormonal stimulation than in healthy women. "If these women want to get pregnant, it's very important that they stop smoking, as well as weight loss and medical treatment," Albring says. "Because smoking worsens the chances of getting pregnant, considerably."
The expert concluded, "If a girl or woman suspects she is suffering from such a hormonal change, then she should go to her gynecologist as soon as possible and talk to him about any questions or uncertainties. Ad