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Health News - Page 1506
Vascular deposits by Becel pro activ
Food company admits that the margarine Becel pro.activ contains plant sterols, which leads to deposits in the vessels 21/08/2012 During...
Tolerated foreigners are entitled to hepatitis C therapy
LSG Darmstadt: Conservation of health is a subsistence level Foreigners who have been granted temporary residence in Germany must not...
Memory loss in old age Is weight loss ahead?
Anyone who inadvertently loses weight during the transition from middle to old age is probably at a higher risk for...
Memory loss emotions remain
Although people with amnesia (loss of memory) can not remember any experiences, feelings are retained for a longer time. Although...
Memory Training app improves dementia memory
New game can give people with dementia an improved memoryThere is new hope for people at an early stage of...
Mind Reading Scientists recognize language from human brain waves
German researchers recognize language from brain wavesGerman researchers have succeeded in directly reconstructing sounds, words and sentences from brainwaves. People...
Thoughts readable Neurologists decode brain waves and recognize future actions in advance
The first steps to mind reading are done Predicting other people's actions has been an act of intuition so far....
Thoughts about after-work beer Alcohol abuse?
Alcohol after work for many relaxing end of the day 17/12/2013 „Finally closing time! And now a beer!“ This thought...
Birth trauma birth as a trigger for nightmares
Bad memories of the delivery room can lead to depression 04/12/2014 Many women experience the birth of their child as...
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