Memory Training app improves dementia memory

Memory Training app improves dementia memory / Health News
New game can give people with dementia an improved memory
There is new hope for people at an early stage of dementia. A newly developed game from the University of Cambridge researchers could help improve memory in patients in the earliest stages of dementia.

The scientists from the internationally recognized University of Cambridge found in their recent study that a newly developed game can protect against the effects of early dementia and improves the memory of those affected. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology".

When people suffer from dementia, their memory deteriorates and it becomes more and more difficult for those affected to remember certain things. Researchers have now developed a memory game app that can help improve memory. (Image: highwaystarz /

Normal workouts get boring quickly
In the early stages of dementia, everyday memory problems and motivation problems occur. There is no effective drug treatment for the cognitive impairment of patients, explain the experts. Cognitive training leads to some benefits for sufferers, such as improved speed of attention processing. However, such workouts tend to be the same and therefore get boring quickly, the authors add.

Scientists are developing so-called memory game app
To overcome this problem, the University of Cambridge scientists developed a so-called memory game app. The game was developed in collaboration with early stage dementia patients. The experts studied the impact of using the game on cognition and patient motivation.

Subjects were divided into two groups
For their study, the researchers studied 42 subjects. These were assigned to either a control group or the cognitive training group. The participants of the cognitive training group played the memory game a total of eight times for one hour each over a period of four weeks, explain the researchers. The participants in the control group, on the other hand, continued their clinic visits as usual.

Adjusting the difficulty for individual participants led to increased motivation
In the game, which the participants played on an iPad, the player participates in a game show. The goal of this show is to win as many gold coins as possible, say the doctors. Each round, players are asked to link geometric patterns to different locations. With every correct answer, the player earned more coins. The game continued until the end, or ended after six failed attempts, say the scientists. The better the player cut, the higher the number of geometric patterns. This helped to adjust the difficulty of the game to the performance of the individual. So the participants stayed motivated longer, add the authors.

What were the positive effects of the newly developed game?
The results of the study showed that the game contributed to improved memory. Players made one-third less mistakes, fewer attempts, and improved their memory on a point scale by about 40 percent in so-called episodic memory tests, the researchers explain. Episodic memory is important for daily activities. It is needed, for example, when we try to remember where we dropped our keys or parked our car, the doctors say.

Subjects were better able to retain more complex visual information
Compared to the control group, post-workout participants in the cognitive training group also recalled more complex visual information. In addition, the participants in the cognitive training group stated that they were well motivated to play the game longer than the required eight hours, the researchers explain. The game improved the self-confidence and subjective memory of the participants.

The game must be fun and motivates the players
A healthy brain is as important as good physical health. There is growing evidence that brain training can be beneficial for promoting cognition and brain health, says author Barbara Sahakian. However, training should be based on sound research and developed with patients. In addition, the game must motivate the users. Our game allowed us to personalize a patient's cognitive exercise program so that they enjoy it and are motivated to continue training, the expert adds. (As)