Health News - Page 1479

GM corn led to rapid death in rats

Gene-modified feed resulted in early death in rats 19/09/2012 The results of a French study on GM maize are alarming:...

Genetic mutation risk increases with father-age

Genetic mutation risk increases with the age of the father 23/08/2012 The older a father is at the time of...

Genetic feature? Sexual orientation through test to 70 percent predictable

Sexual orientation genetically conditioned? Researchers from the United States believe that sexual orientation of men can be predicted with accuracy...

Genetic Bowel Cancellation Previously-known drug reduced tumor formation by over 50 percent

Mesalazine: Old drug against bowel disease significantly reduces tumor formation Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in...

Genetic changes cause of migraine?

Researchers discovered genetic migraine triggers 06/11/2012 Many people in Germany suffer from migraines. While migraine in some of them is...

Genetic causes of food allergies in children

Hereditary causes of food allergy in childhood More and more people in Germany are allergic to certain foods, including many...

Genetic portraits improve the chances of survival of cancer patients

Treated patients live longer without additional health disadvantagesSo-called genetic portraits of cancer patients can improve the probability of survival without...

Genetic hereditary diseases 4-year-old child looks like an 80-year-old man

Doctors uncertain: Rapidly aging four-year-olds should be helpedDoctors in Bangladesh are unsure how to help a boy who looks like...

Genetically modified vegetables in organic baby food

Wiso: Genetically modified vegetables discovered in baby food: Hipp and Demeter affected 07/10/2013 Especially in organic baby food no genetically...