Genetic portraits improve the chances of survival of cancer patients

Genetic portraits improve the chances of survival of cancer patients / Health News
Treated patients live longer without additional health disadvantages
So-called genetic portraits of cancer patients can improve the probability of survival without worsening the health status in this additional time. The genetic images can improve the identification of personalized therapy goals. Researchers found that one third of all treated patients experience at least a 30 percent increase in progression-free survival.

Researchers at the Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus in France found in an investigation that the use of genetic portraits in cancer patients can massively increase the likelihood of survival. Many of the patients (about one-third) lived longer without their condition worsening. The physicians publish the results of their study at the so-called Map (Molecular Analysis for Personalized Therapy) conference in London.

Cancer is a widespread, often deadly disease. Physicians have now found that creating so-called genetic portraits can improve the treatment of the disease and the life expectancy of those affected. (Image:

The analysis of the DNA of tumor samples leads to an improvement of the treatment?
The aim of the new study was to determine whether analysis of DNA from tumor specimens can actually improve the treatment of cancer patients, the authors explain. The samples were analyzed by more than 1,000 subjects with a wide range of disease types. These diseases include, for example, lung, breast, head and neck, prostate, bladder, bowel and stomach cancer, add the physicians.

Genetic sequencing should help make better therapeutic decisions
Through the collected samples, the DNA of the tumor could be sequenced. So mutations can be found, which may be better treated by special drugs, the researchers explain. The primary goal of the study was to enable better therapeutic decisions through gene sequencing. This improved form of treatment could improve the likelihood of survival in at least 25 percent of advanced metastatic cancer patients, said study leader Professor Jean-Charles Soria of the Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus in Paris.

Treatment increases the likelihood of survival in 33 percent of patients
The final results showed that as many as 33 percent of patients have an improved probability of survival, say the authors. This is the first accurate medical study to demonstrate improvements in treatment options through DNA analysis in patients with advanced cancer.

Experimental drugs can slow down tumor growth
The scientists also found that in some cases (one in five patients) experimental drugs may slow the growth of tumors in patients with advanced cancer. In 411 patients (about 49 percent of all samples provided), a target for treatment in the genes of those affected was found. About half of these patients were then treated with a so-called ADHOC therapy.

Affected survived between five and 32 months longer
The improvement in survival was between five and 32 months. The time required for tumors to grow again was compared to the results of previous treatments. "It's amazing to see what efforts are being made in this area of ​​research," the researchers emphasize. Now it is very important to make the most of the data that has been collected to date, explain the doctors on. (As)