Health News - Page 1357

Hartz IV No right to private health insurance premium supplements

07/14/2012 Since highly juridical jurisprudence, recipients of Hartz IV benefits have a full right to take over the insurance costs...

Hartz IV Jobcenter refuse PKV-difference

Hartz IV: Job centers refuse to pay the full PKV contributions for the time before the Federal Socials judgment 28.03.2011...

Hartz-IV Higher ALG II claim for care

Hartz-IV: More claim in the care of seriously ill relatives10.01.2011 The care of a seriously ill spouse must be taken...

Hartz IV Naturopaths refused retraining

Hartz IV recipients are not entitled to take over the costs of a naturopathic retraining / training. (05.11.2010) According to...

Hartz IV bill rescuing the PKV?

Is the Federal Government planning new rescue packages for private health insurance? Hartz IV recipients, who are insured in private...

Hartz IV money for clothes after diet

Verdict: Jobcenter has to pay for new clothes for Hartz IV recipients after a shortage 23.11.2011 The State Social Court...

Hartz IV recipients must pay additional contribution

Health insurance companies confirm: Hartz IV recipients must pay additional contribution 21.01.2011 ALG II recipients must pay additional contributions in...

Hartz IV recipients sicker than workers

Hartz IV recipients rate their health worse than those in gainful employment Four out of ten Hartz IV recipients are...

Hartz IV recipients may not be required to care for seniors

In recent times, Hartz IV recipients in elderly care were increasingly committed. It was not about regular social insurance jobs,...