Hartz IV money for clothes after diet

Hartz IV money for clothes after diet / Health News

Verdict: Jobcenter has to pay for new clothes for Hartz IV recipients after a shortage


The State Social Court (LSG) Hamburg decided in a judgment now published (file reference: L 5 AS 342/10) that Hartz IV recipients are entitled to a new initial equipment, if in a short time they lose weight and clothes no longer fit.

„Exceptional circumstances“ are available
One man demanded 420 euros for a new initial outfit for clothing, since he had lost a lot of weight in a very short time after taking a drug. He reduced his weight from 120 kg to 88 kg, so that his old clothes no longer fit. Even his shoes are too big for him now. The job center refused a corresponding application for initial equipment, whereupon the person concerned initially sued in the Social Court with success and was subsequently in the revision before the Regional Social Court of Hamburg right.

The LSG Hamburg ruled that it was unreasonable for the man to pay for the new clothes from his regular service „extraordinary circumstances“ for example, after a home fire. This is the case when weight loss is "significantly out of the ordinary", the court says.

For the unemployment benefit II, all initial equipment (aid for initial equipment) is included in the Hartz IV standard benefit, except for the „Initial equipment of the apartment“. The legislator provides that for replacement purchases, such as a washing machine, even reserves need to be formed. Only if „extraordinary circumstances“ lawmakers make an exception. (Ag)

Also read:
No Hartz IV refund for private recipes
Hartz IV makes people permanently ill
Hartz IV sanctions against pregnant women normal case?
Job centers must reimburse contributions for private health insurance
Practice fee in the future Hartz IV rate included
Hartz IV: additional contribution despite social assistance

Further help with Hartz IV:
Hartz 4 Forum
Tacheles social assistance
Jobless Forum

Picture: Dr. Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt