Health News - Page 1119

Eco, Bio & Regional How Reliable Are Food Labels Really?

Organic, Organic, Regional: What Consumers Need to Know About SealsAn "eco" label indicates that the environment is protected. "Organic" is...

Knots on the skin Important to chickenpox

Worth knowing: With chickenpox only with registration to the doctorChickenpox is one of the most common childhood diseases and is...

Artificial Life Scientists aroused synthetic bacteria

Synthetic Biology: Bacterium with only 473 genes createdAbout six years ago, American researchers presented a bacterium with completely artificially synthesized...

Artificial coma to protect the body

Artificial coma as a life-saving measure 31.12.2013 A natural coma (long-term unconsciousness) can occur as a result of severe skull...

Artificial hormone improves insulin secretion

Artificial hormone helps diabetics 10/31/2013 German researchers have made a small breakthrough in the production of an active ingredient against...

Artificial heroin at the expense of health insurance

Hamburg: Heroin at the expense of health insurance? In Hamburg, the delivery of artificial heroin (diamorphine) will be paid in...

Artificial sweetener in diet products increases fat cell formation

Diet products lead to an increase in fat cells?Many people today have problems with their weight. For this reason, sufferers...

Artificial organism can replace animal experiments

Artificial multi-organ chip replaces animal experiments07/02/2015 According to experts, the majority of animal experiments are already largely unnecessary today. Nevertheless,...

Artificial skullcap from the 3D printer

Skullcap from 3D printer successfully implanted 03/29/2014 In the Netherlands, doctors of a 22-year-old woman implanted a complete skullcap from...