Artificial sweetener in diet products increases fat cell formation

Many people today have problems with their weight. For this reason, sufferers often rely on so-called diet products. Researchers have now discovered that sweeteners contained in these products seem to promote fat formation.
Researchers at George Washington University in Washington found in their study that consuming sweetener diet products promotes fat formation. The physicians published the results of their study at the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society (ENDO 2017).

Let's reduce it with diet products?
Diet products usually contain no sugar. Consumers hope to lose weight due to the reduced sugar intake. However, just because no sugar is included does not automatically mean that diet products will result in a lower waist size, the experts say. If you frequently use diet products, you may even increase their chances of gaining weight.
Artificial sweeteners lead to an increase in fat cells
Sweetener can promote human fat formation. The current study now explores why this compound exists. Two different studies dealt with this topic. The first study found that when sucralose (a low-calorie sweetener) was added to human adipose-derived stem cells, these cells tend to increase expression of the markers of fat production and inflammation, the researchers explain. The cells also collected more fat. The more sucralose the researchers added, the more fat was built. So artificial sweeteners directly promote the increase of fat cells in humans, say the authors.
Sweeteners affect fat producing genes and other receptors
For the second study, researchers analyzed the biopsy samples of the abdominal fat of eight people who used low-calorie sweeteners. They then compared this data with people who consumed normal food. In the samples of people using sweeteners, the scientists discovered that the fat-producing genes of those affected and other receptors were influenced by changes occurring. The samples also showed an increase in glucose, the experts add.
Effects of using sweetener
The results are worrying. "When excess glucose enters cells, it starts a true cascade of biochemical events," say the physicians. These can lead to heart disease, blindness and kidney disease. In obese individuals, the effects were particularly disturbing.
Sweeteners promote inflammation in the body
Low-calorie sweeteners promote additional fat production by bringing more glucose into the cells. This promotes inflammation, which may be particularly harmful to overweight individuals, the authors add.
Sweeteners really promote weight gain?
Some older studies concluded that substituting sugar with artificial sweeteners could lead to weight loss. However, recent studies suggest that sweeteners tend to promote weight gain, impair blood sugar regulation, and alter bacteria, the researchers explain.
Avoid artificial sweeteners
Avoid the consumption of processed and non-nutritional or artificial foods, these can harm the body, explain the physicians. Better use foods with natural sugar to satisfy your cravings. These contain vitamins, fiber and other beneficial nutrients. Instead of bothering with the decision between artificially sweetened or sugary drinks, you can in case of doubt also simply rely on water, advise the experts. (As)