Osteoporosis milk for bone loss prevention

Osteoporosis milk for bone loss prevention / Health News

Sport and calcium for the prevention of osteoporosis


Osteoporosis affects many people in old age. Often the disease is not noticed until after a bone fracture as a result of a fall. The „bone loss“ usually leads to a significant reduction in the quality of life for those affected. Therefore, the Federal Self-help Association for Osteoporosis in Dusseldorf informs about ways to prevent osteoporosis. Adequate exercise and an extra dose of milk are therefore suitable for prevention.

Osteoporosis occurs when bone resorption exceeds structure
Osteoporosis, popularly too „bone loss“ mentioned in this country affects about eight percent of the population. One of the risk factors is gender as the patient numbers show. Accordingly, in the group of 65- to 74-year-olds 32 percent of women and 8 percent of men and over 75-year-olds even 48 percent of women and 15 percent of men affected. „Overall, osteoporosis occurs in men around ten years later than in women“, explains Prof. Heide Siggelkow, chairman of the umbrella organization Osteologie, to the news agency „dpa“.

One of the main risk factors is age, because in the first 30 years, the mass, structure and density of the bones is increased by the reformation of cells. In the further course - at the latest from the 40. Lebensjahr - the bone loss exceeds however the bone structure. Hormones, vitamins and messengers play an important role in these transformation processes.

The minerals calcium and vitamin D play a crucial role in bone metabolism. Thus, calcium causes an increase in the strength and hardness of the bones. In order to be able to absorb the mineral in the intestine from the food, the body needs vitamin D, which also helps in the storage of calcium in the bones, called mineralization.

Other risk factors for osteoporosis include a genetic predisposition and certain medications that are prescribed for example in asthma, rheumatism or depression.

Prevent osteoporosis with healthy nutrition and sports
„Preventive measures can not prevent the disease, but you can postpone it“, reports Birgit Eichner, president of the federal self-help association for osteoporosis, to the news agency. Depending on the individual risk, it is advisable to start early with prevention. Particular attention should be paid to a healthy diet rich in calcium and vitamin D..

„Daily in our latitudes one should take 1000 milligrams of calcium and 1000 units of vitamin D.“, advises Prof. Christian Kasperk from the Scientific Advisory Board of the Kuratorium Bone Health to the news agency. Both substances should be fed continuously because the body is unable to store them as a supply. Examples of sources of calcium are milk and dairy products such as yoghurt and hard cheese, as well as green vegetables such as broccoli and kale. Of the amount of calcium that is absorbed through the diet, a maximum of one quarter is usable by the body.

The vitamin D requirement can only partially be covered by the diet. Especially fat fish, is suitable as a source. In order to absorb enough vitamin D, the self-production of the body must be activated. When the skin is exposed to UV-B rays, it can form a precursor of vitamin D.. „In order to ensure the vitamin D supply, it is important to leave the skin exposed to the sun under open skies for at least half an hour a day“, so Kasperk. However, with age, human skin loses this ability, so taking vitamin supplements may be useful. However, the dose should be considered. „We do not know from which vitamin D dose negative side effects such as increased blood pressure, adrenal stones or even cardiac arrhythmias occur. However, with 1000 to 3000 units of vitamin D per day you are on the safe side.“

Exercise and Nutrition: Pillars of Preventive Measures
For patients, the change in diet represents a major cut in quality of life. First of all, you have to learn which ingredients and dishes are beneficial and still taste good. Lena-Maria Seifert is herself a patient: „I used to eat a lot of meat. I did not know that vegetables can be a valuable ingredient. Today, I really like salad and vegetables, because I know how to make delicious dishes“.

In addition to a healthy diet is the aspect „Move“ very important as a prevention. „Our bones respond to muscle function. The more pronounced the muscle function is, the better for bone mass and stability“, reports the expert. By loading the bones, one can minimize the loss for both. If the muscles are also loaded to the limit, the muscle mass in the depth can be maintained.

Not every movement is good for the bones. „The metabolism in the bones is stimulated by shock loads, against gravity-directed movements. Anything bad for the joints - such as ball sports - is good for the bones“, explains Kaperk. The older people get, the higher the risk of falling. Later, often only fast walking is left. It should be 10,000 steps a day. In addition, according to the expert, gymnastics is recommended, which is performed gently. These strengthen the abdominal and back muscles. (Ag)