Osteopathy and 100 Euro premium at BIG-Direkt

Osteopathy and 100 Euro premium at BIG-Direkt / Health News

BIG direkt gesund advertises a 100 Euro premium and additional health services


Since the health insurance companies no longer demand additional contributions due to the billions in surplus, the competitive situation on the cash register market has worsened considerably. With special offers, the public health insurance companies recruit new customers. As the direct health insurance BIG reported directly healthy, from the coming year to all members a premium of 100 € will be paid. „This is the highest premium on the cash market“, said in a recent statement of the cash register. In fact, although other health insurance premiums pay out. These are between 30 and 70 euros.

The fund generated a surplus of about 31 million euros last year. Also for the current year, the cash management board expects a similarly good result. At this economically good balance you want to let the cash register members participate. The only condition: insured persons must be directly healthy for at least three months at BIG.

Who fulfills this requirement in the first half of 2013, receives the premium of 100 euros on the first of July 2013. Whoever joins as a new member later, receives the money on December 1, 2013. It does not matter how much the individual customer earns, as the Payment is income independent. Already in September, the Dortmund health insurance company had decided the premium payment. „We have made the premium payment as easy and direct as possible“, emphasizes Peter Kaetsch, CEO of BIG. Above all, those who have long been a member of the BIG should also benefit. „That's why we opted for the early payout date in the middle of the year“.

In addition, the BIG direct health insurance has also expanded its range of services. Thus homeopathy and osteopathy treatments are taken over with up to 400 euros per member of the fund and per year. In addition, professional teeth cleaning at participating dentists, prevention, sports and preventive measures can be submitted to the cashier. For parents, there is also an additional child care and 200 Euro baby bonus. (Sb)