Orthopedics Are flip flops harmful to the feet?

Orthopedics Are flip flops harmful to the feet? / Health News
Critics warn against foot damage from flip flops
In summery temperatures, many people like to wear flip-flops as often as possible. Because the plastic slippers let air on the feet, are comfortable and prepare a pleasant holiday feeling. But critics keep reminding that the shoes hurt the feet. Is that correct? Or is this more a myth? In conversation with the news agency "dpa" clarifies Dr. med. Sebastian Manegold from the Berlin Charité.

For healthy feet unproblematic
"Do not run so much in flip-flops, they are bad for your feet!" Sentences like these are constantly heard by fans of the popular beach sandals in summer. But is there really something to the warning? "No," says the head of the Department of Foot and Ankle Surgery at the Charité Center for Musculoskeletal Surgery. Sebastian Manegold. At least not if the wearer has healthy feet without pronounced malpositions.

Flip flop fans are repeatedly warned against foot damage by the beach sandals. (Image: Delphotostock / fotolia.com)

Risk of injury due to toe sandals higher
However, in this case, the gait would change, because a natural gear is not possible with the plastic sandals. "With your toes, you usually kick off, it's more like flip-flops that you try to fix the shoe with them," explains the expert. So it is more likely to be clenched tight with the toes - but that was not harmful to the physician in itself for the feet. However, it should of course be considered that the flip-flops, for example during sports or when walking on cobblestones, can lead to injuries more quickly.

Pollutants in the plastic possible
If you like flip-flops, you should take a closer look at the purchase. Because the slippers are made of plastic, they may possibly contain harmful pollutants. For example, a test by WDR in the previous year revealed that most flip-flops were contaminated with chemicals. At the time, the station had twelve models from all price ranges examined in the laboratory. Solvents, heavy metals and harmful polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) had been detected in many shoes. (No)