Organ transplant examiners with results

Organ transplant examiners with results / Health News

Organ transplantation: The test commission presents results


Today, the German Medical Association wants to present the results of its inspections at German transplant centers. This control system was tightened after the first major organ donation scandal in 2012. The number of organ donors fell significantly after the scandals.

Doctors at several clinics suspected
The German Medical Association wants to present today its results of the controls at the transplant centers in Germany. According to a dpa report, the chamber announced that the responsible commission in Berlin was informing about the previously investigated programs for transplants of various organs. At several clinics, doctors are suspected of having manipulated waiting lists for organs so that their own patients receive a donor organ more quickly. Other news about transplants caused a stir. For example, it became known that a surgeon in Göttingen should have transplanted a fatty liver into a patient.

Berlin Heart Center shows itself
At the end of August, the Berlin Heart Center reported that it had checked itself by the Commission. There, the prosecutor investigates for attempted manslaughter and charges a senior physician, between 2010 and 2012 patients to better places on the waiting list for organ donation and at the same time brought others into mortal danger, as they have slipped in the ranking of organ recipients further behind , Organ donation readiness in Germany has fallen sharply since the first reports of the incidents. Last year there were only 876 organ donors, a historic low. In 2012 there were still 1,046 and in the year before 1,200. (Ad)

Image: Dieter Schütz