Organ donation scandal doctor denies manipulation

Organ donation scandal doctor denies manipulation / Health News

First trial in the organ donation scandal Goettingen


In connection with the organ donation scandal at the University Clinic Göttingen, the first trial is being heard before the Göttingen district court. Accused is a 46-year-old doctor, who is accused by the prosecutor of Lower Saxony of the eleven attempted manslaughter and the threefold bodily injury with death - but this vehemently rejects the allegations.

Defendant rejects allegations decided
On the first day of the organ donation scandal at the University Hospital Göttingen, the accused physician and former head of Göttingen transplantation medicine vehemently rejected the accusation of 11-fold manslaughter and threefold bodily injury. In a written statement he had denied on Monday to have manipulated the distribution of organs or have caused this.

Years of manipulation of patient data?
The organ donation scandal had caused quite a stir in June. So had the accused liver surgeon in the view of the prosecutor for years, the central contracting authority „Euro Transplant“ transmitted manipulated data from patients to increase the urgency for organ transplantation. In some cases he should also be loud „NDR 1“ have falsely documented that patients are on dialysis, which also increases the chance of getting a donor organ faster. Added to this is the accusation that the physician should have registered patients for transplants without the prescribed alcohol abstinence of six months had been observed.

Defendant „deliberately acted untruthful“
According to NDR 1, the defendant has, according to prosecutors „deliberately acted untruthful“ and accepted with his behavior that other seriously ill patients could not receive a donor organ and therefore possibly died. Accordingly, the prosecutor demanded in her indictment a professional ban on the physician - from the point of view of the defendant, however, completely incomprehensible, because he was „He has been ready for the patients day and night and has his profession as a doctor „a life task“ considered, reports NDR 1.

Defense refers to allegations as „absurd“
Also for the defense are the charges „absurd“, because, as has now been proved, nobody would have been harmed. And even if fake data had been transmitted to Eurotransplant, this would not be a case for the criminal judge - because at the relevant time it would still have „no corresponding penalty provision given“, so the reasoning of the lawyers of the accused.

Judgment at the earliest in January 2014
The trial of the organ donation scandal is expected to take several months - 42 trial days are scheduled. Experts expect a judgment at the earliest in January 2014. If the defendant should be convicted, threaten him, according to NDR 1 „more than three years in prison“. (No)

Picture credits: Lupo