Orange juice can increase the risk of skin cancer

Orange juice can increase the risk of skin cancer / Health News
Higher skin cancer risk from eating grapefruit and orange juice
Oranges and other citrus fruits contain compounds that make the skin more sensitive to light and thus increase the risk of skin cancer, according to the announcement of Brown University in Rhode Island (USA). In a recent study, scientists from the university found that fair-skinned people who consume a lot of grapefruit or orange juice, have a significantly higher risk for diseases of the particularly dangerous black skin cancer (malignant melanoma).

Although citrus fruits are well-suited as part of a healthy diet, the US researchers recommend additional sunscreen and body-covering clothing after consuming larger quantities. Because with high consumption quantities of orange juice and grapefruit, the current study has shown a significantly increased risk of skin cancer, which presumably goes back to the photosensitizing effect of the ingredients of citrus fruits. Abrar Qureshi of Brown University and colleagues in the journal "Journal of Clinical Oncology". Substances such as the psoralens that are contained make the skin more sensitive to the sun's rays and more likely to form a sunburn, which in turn increases the likelihood of skin cancer.

Orange juice is a risk factor for skin cancer. (Image: cut /

Orange juice and grapefruit as skin cancer risk factors?
The researchers report cases of children having sunburn strips along the chin after eating citrus-flavored ice, right where the melting ice had gone down. In addition, previous studies have shown evidence of a link between the consumption of citrus fruits and the risk of malignant melanoma. In their latest study, the researchers used the data from more than 100,000 fair-skinned men and women to determine whether eating orange juice and grapefruit has an impact on the risk of skin cancer. They found that grapefruits significantly increase the likelihood of malignant melanoma and that orange juice also increases risk to a lesser extent.

High consumption of citrus fruits significantly increases the risk of skin cancer
Overall, people who consumed citrus fruit 1.6 times or more a day had a 36 percent higher risk of malignant melanoma compared to those who consumed citrus less than twice a week Qureshi. This is an "interesting finding of relevance to the public and clinical practice as the consumption of citrus products is widespread and citrus products are known to contain photoactive compounds (eg furocoumarins or psoralens)", said the study author in the news release from Brown University. However, the results would by no means mean that the consumption of citrus fruits is generally harmful.

Take special care in the sun after eating citrus fruits
In fact, citrus fruits with their high vitamin C content and other healthy ingredients as food are well advised. The people with increased consumption, however, are encouraged to be more careful when staying in the sun, report the US researchers. Additional precautions, such as the use of sunscreen with a high sun protection factor, appropriate clothing and a sun hat could help here. People need to know that photoactive compounds are taken up with the consumption of certain types of fruit and vegetables and therefore caution should be taken with the sun's rays, Dr. Qureshi. It takes two to three days until the body has degraded the substances and there is no longer any increased sensitivity to the sun. (Fp)