Victims of strokes often suffer from depression

Victims of strokes often suffer from depression / Health News

Physicians explain about the psychological effects of a stroke

A stroke is unfortunately widespread in today's society. In Germany alone, about 270,000 people suffer such a stroke each year. The negative physical effects of stroke are now well known, but very few people know about the psychological damage that can be caused by a stroke.

The negative mental impact (depression) of a stroke suffered is referred to by experts as so-called post-stroke depression (PSD). In a press release on World Stroke Day 2017, scientists of the German Stroke Assistance Foundation now point out that depression after a stroke should be treated unconditionally because it jeopardizes the success of rehabilitation.

After a stroke, sufferers often suffer from depression. Women are particularly affected. (Image: boryanam /

Women are more likely to suffer from depression after a stroke

At least a third of all patients suffer from post-stroke depression, physicians estimate. Women are generally more susceptible to such depression. In addition, such a disease seems to meet older people more often. If the patients do not have good social ties, be it in the family or in a social network, they are more at risk, the experts add.

Rehabilitation after a stroke is very hard work

A so-called neurological rehabilitation is for many concerned really hard work, especially if the effects of the stroke were very difficult, explain the doctors. For example, if a leg is paralyzed and those affected can no longer walk, it takes a great deal of discipline, training and patience to make that leg functional again. If those affected do not have a minimum level of self-motivation and firmly believe in themselves, rehabilitation is made considerably more difficult.

Depression robs those affected of the drive for successful rehabilitation

An occurring depression prevents the important self-motivation and the positive belief in a cure. Depression deprives sufferers of their impulses and causes them to stop taking therapies seriously, the authors say. Such an observation has already been scientifically proven by various doctors and therapists.

Positive effects of antidepressants after a stroke

In the so-called FLAME study, various stroke patients were given an antidepressant at an early stage. The drugs meant that in the end, not only did these people suffer less from depression, but they also recovered better and regained more of their motor skills compared to participants in the study who did not take an antidepressant.

A stroke can cause a change in personality

The so-called post-stroke depression (PSD) is also referred to by experts as a reactive depression. This arises as a reaction to a suffered stroke. Reactive depression, so to speak, mourns the loss of abilities lost through stroke, the researchers explain. The loss ultimately drives the patients into a kind of total hopelessness. In addition, a stroke is an injury in the brain, which alone can often lead to changes in personality in those affected.

Organically induced changes in nature contribute to depression

Clinical observations have already shown that patients are more likely to become depressed after a stroke than orthopedic patients. This effect will continue to exist if the physical disability that occurs is comparable. So sadness is not necessarily needed to develop depression, explain the doctors. "These are organically conditioned changes in nature," explains the neurologist and psychiatrist. Hans-Peter Ninzig in the press release. "Many relatives find it very hard to bear that and deal with it," adds the expert.

Family members play a major role in recovery

An important role in coping with an occurring depression play the relatives of those affected. Depression after a stroke is not inevitable. Such a disease is curable, say the experts. For a successful treatment a combination of drugs (antidepressants) and conversations (psychotherapy) is needed. Of course, the therapy requires professional help and the relatives of those affected play a major role in the success. Much more education is now needed to better inform the general public about the psychological consequences of a stroke, the researchers explain. (As)