Surgery in case of severe obesity improves health and quality of life

Surgery in case of severe obesity improves health and quality of life / Health News

Surgical treatment for obesity: health and quality of life improve

According to health experts, more and more overweight and obese people are living in Germany. Heavy obesity is a risk factor for numerous civilization diseases. Some patients can help with surgical treatment. This not only improves health but also the quality of life.

Strong overweight endangers the health

More and more people worldwide are suffering from overweight and obesity. Obesity is a risk factor for many civilization diseases. Particularly noteworthy here are diseases of the vessels and the cardiovascular system such as high blood pressure, coronary heart disease or arteriosclerosis (arteriosclerosis). In addition, the risk of joint deterioration (arthritis), diabetes, and cancer increases due to excessive obesity. Sufficient reasons, therefore, that speak in favor of a decrease in heavy obesity. If this is not possible despite regular exercise and a healthy diet, the last remedy for obesity is often surgical treatment.

For people with morbid obesity, a stomach operation may sometimes be worth considering if other weight loss measures are unsuccessful. Such surgery can improve the health and quality of life of those affected. (Image: staras /

More and more Germans are being treated for obesity

According to health experts, a minimal weight loss would already have a positive effect on obese people.

In addition to a healthy, low-calorie and low-fat diet, sport would be very helpful here. This not only burns calories, but also eliminates the constant hunger.

However, although most sufferers realize that their body weight has a negative impact on their health, many find it difficult to lose weight.

According to health experts, the number of Germans who are being treated for obesity is increasing.

Also, the number of so-called bariatric surgeries (surgical treatments of obesity) has increased significantly in recent years.

Such surgical treatments for morbid obesity not only have a positive effect on the weight, but also on comorbidities and quality of life of those affected.

This was shown by Privatdozent Dr. Felix Nickel from the Heidelberg University Hospital in various studies and has now been awarded the Oskar Medical Prize 2018.

Gastric bypass and tube stomach surgery

According to a communication, the most commonly performed bariatric surgery procedures are gastric bypass and gastric tube surgery.

The gastric bypass divides the stomach: the food reaches only the upper part of the stomach, which quickly signals saturation, and then passes to the rest of the stomach and into the small intestine.

When the stomach is operated, the stomach is reduced by about two-thirds. A lifelong aftercare is necessary, if necessary, nutritional and psychosomatic advice.

Over the long term, an overweight reduction of up to 70 percent can be achieved. In addition, the interventions can according to studies also an accompanying diabetes (diabetes) remedy.

More confidence and a higher quality of life

For those affected, there are other positive effects, as Nickel has noted in several studies. For this purpose, more than 200 patients were interviewed by means of special questionnaires on, among other things, quality of life and mental health before and after the operation.

For the most part, weight reduction also changed the body image for the better, the patients gained more self-confidence and a higher quality of life.

Concomitant diseases such as fatty liver disease, high blood pressure and joint pain improved. It did not matter if the patients received a tubular stomach or gastric bypass.

"These health and well-being benefits also increase life expectancy, as some studies have shown," said Nickel.

"A gastric surgery is therefore definitely worth considering, if other weight-loss measures bring no success despite professional support."

Mental stress is often underestimated

"Adiposity-related comorbidities, lifestyle limitations, and psychological distress are often severely underestimated," says the surgeon.

Many patients also suffer from depression because they are severely restricted in movement, resilience and social contact.

Nickel is particularly interested in the motivations for undergoing the stressful surgical treatment:

"Many patients worry not only about being overweight, but also about the existing or threatened comorbidities and are afraid of a shortening of life. It would therefore be a relief for many patients to facilitate their access to surgical care, "said Nickel.

Prerequisite for an operation is a comprehensive medical examination to exclude treatable reasons for obesity and to clarify risks as well as a specific body mass index (BMI), which also depends on comorbidities.

Support is also important at another level, according to Nickel, for example in the form of awareness-raising campaigns aimed at counteracting stigmatization and sensitizing the population to the causes and consequences of the disease.

In addition, it is currently still missing in prevention campaigns. The number of severely overweight people in Germany has been increasing for years. (Ad)