OP for personal reasons repeatedly delayed doctors removed 34-kilogram giant tumor

OP for personal reasons repeatedly delayed doctors removed 34-kilogram giant tumor / Health News

Doctors remove 34-kilogram tumor from a woman's stomach

In Costa Rica, doctors have removed a 34-kilogram tumor from a woman's stomach. The 57-year-old patient had postponed the operation for "personal reasons" for years. Now she feels like "reborn".

Gigantic tumor pressed on viscera and organs

In a life-saving operation, a woman in Costa Rica had a 34-kilogram tumor removed from her stomach. 57-year-old patient Sonia Lopez has postponed the procedure for "personal reasons" for eight years, according to the British daily "Daily Mail". Now she had to undergo the surgery, however, as the tumor was already taking 80 percent of her stomach and squeezing her intestines, liver and diaphragm.

In a life-saving operation, a woman in Costa Rica had a 34-kilogram tumor removed from her stomach. She had previously decided against surgery for years for "personal reasons". (Image: s_l / fotolia.com)

Patient decided against OP for "personal reasons"

It has been reported that about eight years ago, Ms. Lopez was warned that the tumor that grew near her ovaries could trigger a heart attack by putting pressure on her organs.

But she decided against unspecified "personal reasons" against an OP.

But now that she had respiratory problems, she went to the Hospital Mexico near San Jose.

X-ray and computed tomography recordings, however, had not been able to reveal their condition due to the extreme weight of the patient. The doctors advised to surgery.

According to the newspaper report, five surgeons removed the 34-kilogram tumor, which had a circumference of about 1.6 meters.

The patient is said to be recovering well and waiting for results to show if the tumor was cancerous.

90 kilo tumor removed

"How I felt before and how I feel now is like a journey from the sun to the earth. I feel like I'm born again, "said Lopez.

One of the surgeons involved, Pablo Sibaja, said, "We see three or four giant tumors every year, but never so much."

"This tumor has grown so disorderly and fast in such a short time that we had to act quickly," said the physician.

According to Sibaja, such giant tumors are much more common in women than in men.

"That does not happen to a man. No tumor would be that big because his body is unable to develop it, "said the surgeon.

Since the physician from Costa Rica is not quite right.

Because one of the world's largest surgically removed tumors was eliminated in early 2012 by an international medical team in a more than 13-hour intervention with a man from Vietnam. The tumor weighed 90 kilograms. (Ad)