Correct ear malformation without surgery

Correct ear malformation without surgery / Health News

University of Graz corrects protruding ears through modeling system


Many people suffer from protruding ears (Apostasis otum). While Prince Carles his „jug ears“ with serenity is known by US President Barack Obama that he was teased as a child because of ear malformation. If children and adolescents suffer very badly, there is usually only a very expensive surgery. However, doctors at the Graz LKH University Hospital offer a gentler alternative for babies. Within the first two weeks of life, a modeling system can correct deformed pinnae.

Ear malformation is corrected by modeling cups
In the press conference with the news agency „APA“ explained Stephan Spendel, deputy head of the Clinical Department of Plastic Surgery in Graz, that almost every third newborn is born with deformed pinnae.In ten to 30 percent of affected babies, the deformation corrects itself within the first few months of life. At Klinikum Graz, a gentle procedure was offered that would model the protruding ears of babies. „It is only important to create the modeling bowls within the first two weeks of life. Then the ear is still very soft and malleable. "Spendel told the news agency that the doctors only needed a few minutes to set up the modeling system „best while the mother is breastfeeding the child. "The child then had to carry the bowls for two weeks.

The system would already be approved in the US in 2010 and will only be used in Europe at the University of Graz. „It was offered to us by an Austrian company, which has acquired the license for the whole of Europe. "So far, 18 babies have been treated with the modeling system. „A good alternative to the very complex surgical procedure, "explains Spendel, who is currently sharing the costs of around 85 euros for both ears with the license holder and the clinic, which expects 300 to 500 treatments a year in Styria alone. „We are in negotiations with the health insurance. "

How does it come to the training of protruding ears?
Mostly the parental genes are responsible for protruding ears. They also affect which part of the ear causes the standing. The most common is the so-called Anthelix fold - the kink that forms the transition from the outer edge of the ear to the ear recess - the „wrongdoer“. The fold can be either too flat or not formed. As a result, the auricle does not bend enough back to the head.

Another possibility is a deformation of the ear cavity. If it is too steep, it keeps the pinna away from the head. Not infrequently, a combination of these two variants occurs. (Ag)

Image: uschi three-ocher