Without bloating Lower your blood sugar level with legumes

Without bloating Lower your blood sugar level with legumes / Health News

So healthy legumes do not lead to unpleasant flatulence

Legumes are among the healthiest foods ever. Among other things, the protein power packs can lower the blood sugar level significantly. Because of the bloating, which is often associated with the consumption, you do not have to worry much. Because these can be significantly reduced by certain herbs and spices.

Positive characteristics of legumes

For a long time, legumes lived a shadowy existence in this country. Even today, many people associate it only with hearty home-style cooking such as bean stew or lentil soup. However, this reputation fails to recognize the positive qualities of legumes. According to health experts, they should prevent overweight and help, among other things, against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, scientific research has shown that pulses can lower blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes.

A study has shown that you can lower the blood sugar with legumes. Those who shy away from the food because of flatulence, should simply use certain herbs and spices that reduce the intestinal wind. (Image: Lukas Gojda / fotolia.com)

Full of protein and important minerals

There are many reasons why legumes are very healthy. They provide minerals such as potassium and magnesium, vegetable proteins, B vitamins, folic acid and fiber.

In addition, their carbohydrate content, as well as the phytochemicals they contain, has a positive effect on cholesterol levels.

And last but not least, legumes reduce blood sugar levels, as shown by a study by Canadian scientists published in the journal "Journal of Nutrition".

Replace potatoes or rice with lentils

To reach their conclusions, researchers led by Professor Alison Duncan of the University of Guelph have presented 24 healthy subjects with four different dishes:

white rice alone, half a serving of white rice with half a serving of big green lentils, half a serving of rice with little green lentils and half rice and half red lentils.

Two hours before eating and two hours later, the blood sugar was measured. Later, the experiment was repeated with potatoes.

"We mixed the lentils with the potatoes and rice because people usually do not eat legumes alone, but in combination with other starchy foods as part of a larger meal," Duncan said in a statement.

"We wanted our results to reflect that."

Reduce chronic diseases

Researchers found that blood sugar dropped by up to 20 percent when replacing half a serving of rice with lentils.

The replacement of potatoes with lentils resulted in a 35 percent reduction.

"Legumes are an extremely nutritious food that has the potential to reduce chronic diseases associated with poorly controlled glucose levels," Duncan said.

Legumes have been shown to protect legumes from type II diabetes.

Enjoy peas and beans without bloating

Despite the health benefits, legumes are often rejected because the largely indigestible oligosaccharides raffinose and stachyose can cause flatulence.

However, just these carbohydrates contribute to colonize desirable intestinal bacteria and thus develops a healthy intestinal flora.

However, proper preparation often allows legumes to be enjoyed without causing bloating.

For example, herbs and spices such as fennel, anise, ginger, cumin, savory, dill, oregano, rosemary, sage and thyme can significantly reduce flatulence. But you should not be given to the court until the end of the cooking time.

In addition, you can slowly get used to legumes, as the body adapts to the changed composition of the food with regular enjoyment.

However, people who suffer from gout should better avoid legumes because of the high purine content. (Ad)