Often fatal asthma attacks in winter To reduce the risk

Often fatal asthma attacks in winter To reduce the risk / Health News

Wearing a scarf over the mouth and nose in winter can protect against asthma attacks

Especially in winter, asthma can become a deadly risk for those affected. Researchers found that people with asthma can significantly reduce the risk of fatal seizures by simply wearing a scarf over their nose and mouth in winter.

The experts from Asthma UK said in a press release, how people with asthma in winter can protect themselves from dangerous and sometimes even fatal seizures. The doctors advise those affected that they should wear a scarf over the nose and mouth in the winter time in order to reduce the risk.

A so-called asthma attack can have dangerous consequences for those affected. Especially in winter, the cold air leads to increased seizures, which can even end fatally. If asthmatics simply tie a scarf around their nose and mouth, it reduces the risk of having an asthma attack. (Source: WavebreakmediaMicro / fotolia)

Cold air in winter can lead to fatal asthma attacks

About three-quarters of all UK asthmatics surveyed reported that their symptoms worsened in colder climates. Asthma UK staff said that this winter about four million asthma patients may be at risk of life-threatening asthma attacks. The reason for this is the cold air, which can cause a spasm of the respiratory tract. This can then trigger a fatal asthma attack.

In winter, asthmatics should wear a scarf over their mouth and nose

But when asthmatics wear a scarf over their nose and mouth, it warms up the air before it is inhaled. This reduces the risk of an asthma attack. Certainly, most people are not thrilled when temperatures drop in winter. But for many people with asthma, it can be life threatening to go outside on a cold day. Andy Whittamore of Asthma UK. "Living in the UK means that cold weather in winter is unavoidable. But when people have asthma, wrapping their noses and mouths with a scarf can warm the air before inhaling, thereby reducing the risk of an asthma attack, "adds the expert in the press release.

Scarfie campaign is designed to protect asthma sufferers from asthma attacks in winter

All people should be aware that a simple scarf can save lives, whether or not they themselves suffer from asthma. If you know people with asthma, you should definitely forward this life-saving message to those affected, advise the doctors. For the third time, the charity Asthma UK has launched its annual # Scarfie Campaign to highlight the positive impact of a scarf on people with asthma who can protect against the fatal risk of an asthma attack. The campaign helps asthma patients get the most out of their winter symptoms.

Many sufferers have to be hospitalized multiple times during winter

Even after many years with asthma you still do not get used to the effects of an asthma attack. Many sufferers are downright shocked and anxious when such a seizure occurs. Concerned persons describe the situation as if they had to breathe through a tiny straw. "Cold air was such a problem for me, even the distance between my house and my car in the wee hours caused such serious asthma attacks that I had to go to a hospital," explains 58-year-old mother of two Debbi Wood, who was questioned about the problems of asthmatics in winter. The sick woman has been hospitalized several times after such a fit in the emergency room of a hospital. Fortunately, at some point in the social media, the woman with asthma came across the #scarfie campaign. By using a scarf in winter, the sufferer has much less problems with her asthma in cold weather. (As)