Often underestimates depression in children

Often underestimates depression in children / Health News

Children are more likely to suffer from depression than previously thought


More and more children are suffering from mental health problems such as depression. This was one of the current interim results of the health study of the Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases (LIFE) of the Medical Faculty of the University of Leipzig. It has also been found that in adults, age-related diseases such as certain retinal or vascular changes occur much earlier than previously thought. Obesity also affects more and more people.

More and more children with depression and vitamin D deficiency
While adults are more likely to suffer from allergies and obesity, children have psychological problems. „Depression is an underestimated problem in children and adolescents“, the scientists report from LIFE. So far, about 500 eight to 14-year-olds have been examined within the framework of the health study on civilization diseases. Ten percent of underage subjects were diagnosed with a depressive disorder. Most of the affected children live in a socially difficult and stressful environment. About one-third of parents also suffer from depression. „Many of the children also suffer from other mental health problems. Depression, fears but also behavioral problems occur very often at the same time“, the scientists report.

Further studies of the children's group (LIFE-Child) as part of the health study were conducted to establish reference levels for thyroid, kidney and bone parameters. These will later help to determine if a test value is in the normal range or indicates a disease. „The evaluations show that the blood concentration of vitamin D, which is important for bone formation, is significantly below the recommended blood concentration in most children and adolescents after the second year of life“, says in a statement to the study. The cause is not enough outdoor exercise. Because many children spend more time in front of the computer or TV instead of playing in the garden or forest.

More and more adults suffer from obesity and premature aging
The interim results of the LIFE study show an increase in lifestyle diseases in adults. According to this, old-age diseases start much earlier than expected. Among the study participants under the age of 50, the scientists discovered, among other things, vascular changes that could later lead to coronary heart disease. Also in the investigation of the retina in the eye changes (Makuladegnerationen) were discovered, the one „later vision loss years ahead“, it says in the message.

Another common disease is hypertension, which can also occur very early. Thus, in about a quarter of under 40-year-old study participants „a clarified measurement result found“. In the group of over-60s, there were even four out of five subjects.

When investigating the subjects, the scientists also found an increase in allergies in adults. Many people react hypersensitive to the ambrosia introduced from America.

In addition, according to the LIFE study, there are more and more obese people. „The morbid obesity (obesity) is on the rise. With increasing age, the proportion of overweight persons (BMI> 25) increases to 80 percent and the proportion of obese persons (BMI> 30) to 30 percent“, the scientists report. The body fat distribution changes over the years. While the fat in middle age usually attaches to the buttocks and legs (pear shape), it spreads with age, especially in the area of ​​the abdomen (apple shape).

LIFE study examines child and adult health
As part of the LIFE study, funded with 40 million euros by the Free State of Saxony and EU funds, researchers are trying to find out why more and more Germans suffer from certain civilization diseases. By 2014, 10,000 adults and several thousand children will be examined. To date, 4,240 adults and nearly 2,700 children participated in the study.

The eighth annual conference of the German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi) is currently taking place in Leipzig together with the first International LIFE Symposium. Around 450 experts also ask themselves the question: „What keeps us healthy, what makes us sick?“ (Ag)

Image: Simone Peter