OECD More and more obese people live in Germany

OECD More and more obese people live in Germany / Health News
Obesity and obesity continue to increase in OECD countries
Obesity is a widespread problem in many modern industrialized nations and is affecting more and more children and young people. In Germany, the proportion of overweight adolescents is rising faster than in the OECD trend, according to a recent study.

According to the OECD, more and more people in OECD countries are overweight or obese. On average, more than half of adults and one in six children are affected, the OECD reports in a recent communication. Also in the past five years, the proportion of obese people has continued to increase, but with decreasing momentum. This is evident from the latest OECD data on overweight and obesity.

More and more people in OECD countries are obese. This also affects the young people. (Image: vladimirfloyd / fotolia.com)

In Germany nearly one in four is obese
According to OECD figures, obesity and obesity are particularly widespread in the USA, Mexico, New Zealand and Hungary. In all four countries, more than 30 percent of the adult population is obese. In Japan and Korea, however, the share is only 3.7 and 5.3 percent respectively. With a share of 23.6 percent (2012), Germany is also in a relatively high range. "Being an obese, who has a body mass index (BMI) of over 30. With a BMI of 25-30 one speaks of overweight ", explain the OECD.

More than 15 percent of adolescents are obese
Obesity and obesity are also a growing problem among adolescents, according to the OECD. For example, in the 29 OECD countries for which these data are available, the proportion of overweight 15-year-olds increased from 12 to 15.5 percent between 2001/02 and 2013/14. Germany is about the OECD average, but the proportion of overweight grow faster than average in this country. "It rose from 11 to 16 percent over the same period," reports the OECD.

Strategies against obesity
The current OECD study also identifies ways in which the proportion of overweight people can be significantly reduced. Based on experiences from individual OECD countries, it illustrates how governments can effectively support consumers in healthy lifestyles. "Labeling labels have proven to be successful in combination with digital education campaigns," says the OECD. In addition, in Chile, Iceland, Ireland or Mexico, the advertising of unhealthy foods or high-sugar drinks has been severely restricted by law. (Fp)