Fruit does not protect against diabetes juice however

Fruit does not protect against diabetes juice however / Health News

Fruit protects against diabetes - but not juice


If you eat a lot of fruits like blueberries, grapes and apples, you have a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Fruit juices seem to have the opposite effect. This is now shown by new data from the Nurses' Health study.

150,000 women and 36,000 men were questioned over many years about their eating and drinking habits. Participants who ate apples, blueberries or grapes at least three times a week had a lower risk of diabetes than those who rarely did so. The risk of diabetes was reduced by 26% for blueberry eaters. Frequent grape or apple eating was associated with a reduced risk. If, instead of fresh fruit, fruit juice was consumed, the risk was slightly increased.

According to the scientists, phytochemicals (anthocyanins) in blueberries, apples and grapes in particular could have a protective effect. But also the Resveratrol in the grape skin could protect against diabetes. (Pm)

Picture: twinlili