Whether red or green - healthy peppers are ideal vitamin C donors

Whether red or green - healthy peppers are ideal vitamin C donors / Health News
Delicious peppers: Rich in vitamin C and minerals
The cold season has begun. Right now it is important to protect yourself against colds with Vitamin C. However, to strengthen the immune system, we do not need extra pills or pills. Some vegetables are true vitamin C bombs, such as paprika.

Strengthening defenses with food
According to a recent report from the consumer information service aid, more and more people are turning to dietary supplements in the form of capsules, tablets or powders. "Vitamins and minerals account for 70 percent of all packaging sold," says the aid. In terms of vitamins, Vitamin C is far ahead with sales of 22.8 million packs. But actually such funds are not necessary: ​​According to health experts, it is much more reasonable to strengthen the immune system with food.

Whether red, green or yellow: Paprika is healthy and one of the most vitamin C-rich foods ever. With the vegetables you can strengthen your defenses in the winter time. (Image: fredograf / fotolia.com)

Vitamin C needs in the winter time
Those who use the variety of foods can usually meet their nutritional needs with conventional foods. To ensure its vitamin C intake in winter, various types of vegetables, such as peppers, are available.

Whether red, green or yellow: Paprika is healthy and one of the most vitamin C-rich foods ever. At about 140 milligrams, the salary is significantly higher than that of an orange with 48 milligrams. In addition, the pods also beta-carotene, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium are found, as the consumer information service aid explained in a message from the news agency dpa.

Half a paprika a day is enough
The German Nutrition Society (DGE) has also stated in the past that it would be better to meet the dietary vitamin C requirement. This works well in winter too. About half a paprika is enough to cover the daily needs. In general, it is best to know which foods contain the most nutrients.

Do not store in the refrigerator
According to aid, the color of the pods provides information about their taste. While green peppers are unripe and have a harsh taste, matured yellow and red peppers have significantly more flavor and sweet taste.

It is best to eat peppers raw or with a little oil, so that the body can utilize as many vitamins as possible. You can make peppers wholesome by removing the outer skin. The pod comes into the oven at 220 degrees until the skin turns brown and blisters. Then let them sweat briefly under a damp cloth, until the skin can be easily removed.

In addition to the well-known sweet peppers, it is also possible to buy spiced peppers or thin-walled Turkish sweet peppers. You should not put peppers in the fridge, but keep the vegetables in a cool place. Suitable are, for example, the pantry or the kitchen cabinet without direct sunlight. (Ad)