Nut allergies are a big burden

Nut allergies are a big burden / Health News

Nut allergies are a special burden for sufferers


Food allergies are extremely unpleasant for all concerned. But nut allergic people seem to have a hard time in our world today. This has the GfK market research Nuremberg in a survey commissioned by the magazine „pharmacy magazine“ found out.

Nut allergy sufferers have to restrict themselves in everyday life significantly more in feeding than people with other food allergies. More than half of all nut allergy sufferers perceive the overreaction of their own immune system as a significant burden. This confirms the allergies to nuts in the representative survey of the health magazine „pharmacy magazine“ a lonely top position.

Nut allergy suffer the most from impairments
In the survey of food allergy sufferers, 60 percent of those with a nut allergy reported that overreacting their immune system was a significant burden for them. Overall suffered according to the „pharmacy magazine“ On average, just under one in four (23.1 percent) allergy sufferers aged 14 and over experience impairments in everyday life, but in the case of nut allergy sufferers it was almost three times as many. This could also be related to the fact that traces of nuts are contained in many foods today. A total of 2,054 people were interviewed in the survey, with 239 suffering from food allergy. Of the allergic subjects surveyed, 11.5 percent said they were allergic to nuts, 8.8 percent to fruits or certain types of fruit, 4.5 percent to dairy products, 3.1 percent to spices and 2.4 percent to certain vegetables.

Symptoms of a food allergy
For those affected by a food allergy, this is often expressed by classic symptoms such as redness, swelling of the oral mucosa, lips and tongue, itching, watery eyes and a runny nose. Even asthmatic attacks accompanied by respiratory distress are possible consequences. In addition, effects on the gastrointestinal tract are possible, which can be expressed about two hours after food intake by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea (diarrhea). In the worst case anaphylactic shock with acute circulatory failure threatens.

Complying with strict diet for food allergic duty
In order to avoid the overreaction of the immune system, the food allergy sufferers only adheres to a strict diet and the renunciation of all known allergens. In severe allergies, according to the experts' recommendation, a so-called emergency kit should also be included wherever possible, so that in case of emergency a sudden allergic reaction with imminent anaphylactic shock can be treated quickly. (Fp)

Also read:
Allergy rapid test for food
Alternative treatments for allergies
Dufstoffe can cause allergies

Picture: Rainer Sturm