Only a few Germans have an organ donor card

Only a few Germans have an organ donor card / Health News
Survey: Around every third German has an organ donor card
Currently around 10,600 seriously ill patients in Germany are waiting for a donor organ. However, although people in this country are thinking about the topic, only a minority of them have an organ donor card. This is evident from a recent survey.

Only just under a third of Germans have organ donor cards
According to a survey, most Germans think about organ donation, but just under a third have an organ donor card (31 percent). And that despite numerous educational campaigns in recent years. As the news agency dpa reports, even the recent transplant scandals should be one reason. According to the survey published by the health insurance company Barmer GEK in Berlin on Wednesday, 46 percent stated that their confidence had therefore dropped. After all, 87 percent said that they had dealt with the topic once before. And 83 percent know that with a badge you can relieve your family members of the decision for or against organ removal.

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Over 10,000 patients are waiting for a donor organ
Although the number of organ donors has declined significantly in recent years, the total number of 2014 nationwide has nearly stabilized at 864. The year before, it had been 876. The German Organ Transplantation Foundation (DSO) had 242 donors in the first three months of the current year, compared with only 204 in the first quarter of the previous year. The Eurotransplant Foundation recently announced that there are currently around 10,600 patients waiting for a donor organ. "The willingness to donate organs can be revoked at any time". The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) pointed this out last week. (Ad)

Picture credits: Günther Richter