Only 2 foreign health insurance very good

Only 2 foreign health insurance very good / Health News

Stiftung Warentest checks travel health insurance abroad: only two receive the predicate „very well“


Foreign travel health insurance companies often do not keep what customers hope for. If an emergency occurs, insured persons may be left quite desperate and have to pay part of the treatment costs or the desired repatriation from their own pocket. The Stiftung Warentest has examined 40 foreign health insurance companies, many came over „sufficient“ not beyond and only two received the rating „very well“.

For longer trips abroad at the latest from the ninth week an extra insurance due, since „the usual foreign travel health insurance, which vacationers often conclude on an annual contract, covers only the shorter trips from six to eight, a maximum of ten weeks“, reports the Stiftung Warentest. The Foundation has tested 40 foreign travel health insurances for stays abroad of three months or one year, and found significant deficits in numerous tariffs. There were, however, two „very good“ Offers and none of the policies cut worse than „sufficient“ from.

Good, cheap foreign travel health insurance
According to Stiftung Warentest, only the HanseMerkur and the LVM of the 40 foreign travel health insurance companies surveyed offer „very good“ Offer. Inexpensive and „very good for all countries worldwide is the tariff ARJ + ART of the LVM“, so the announcement of the foundation. The tariff cost for example for 90 travel days and with an age of the travelers of maximally 59 years 83 euro. If seniors take a longer break in Asia, the USA or in the Canary Islands, they must for the foreign travel health insurance somewhat deeper into the bag But Pax Family Welfare also offers one here „good“ Protection at manageable prices. According to the Stiftung Warentest, older people over the age of 65 pay EUR 142 for 90 days in the tariff RT of Pax family welfare.

International Travel Health Insurance should cover repatriation
The 38 products do not have one „very well“ were rated, the range of „Well“ until sufficient. The offers of the insurances German ring, Central, alliance and Axa could convince according to statement of the testers least. The results of the study can be read in the current issue of the journal „Finanztest“. For example, sick repatriation was checked, but „Also, whether the insurer provides comprehensive, when it comes to wars and unrest in the holiday country“ or how the benefits in the case of pandemics, such as the swine flu, fail, explained the „Finanztest“-Editor Simone Weidner. In principle, a foreign travel health insurance is urgently recommended for longer trips, since „the statutory health insurance does not pay for medical emergencies outside Europe“ and „never repatriated sick within Europe“ paid, emphasized Weidner.

Different aftercare in case of illness
For example, the tests rated the situation particularly critically if, for an insurance term of 90 days, an accident happened on the very last day which requires a longer hospital stay. Here the insurance companies react extremely differently „For such cases, most insurers provide that also the hospital stay is paid until the person is returnable“, explained Simone Weidner. However, individual insurance companies such as Würzburger and Central limit the additional benefit in the event of illness to a maximum of 90 days. „If someone has to stay longer in the hospital, he would have to pay for it out of his own pocket“, like that „Finanztest“-Editor next. (Fp)

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Picture: Gerd Altmann