Nugtella cannabis in bread spread

Nugtella cannabis in bread spread / Health News

Hash in bread spread leads to the complaint


In the US state of California, you can now buy a hazelnut spread that has THC added to it. And quite legally, because California is one of the 15 states in which the use of cannabis for medical purposes has been legalized.

Around 200,000 people were registered there in a file to receive marijuana on prescription. The manufacturer, the company Organicares now has a with 320 milligrams THC enriched spread with the name “Nugtella“ needed on the market. The cost of a glass is about 19 euros.

THC therapy can help
The medicine has been making use of the sometimes positive effect of the flowering plant for a long time. For example, Mulitipler Skelrose with concomitant spasticity, spasticity, but also nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy are reported to be positive on cannabis treatments. In tablet form, it is already successfully used in Tourett's syndrome and as an HIV medication.

Product similarities lead to the complaint
Because of the visually only slight difference to the spread known all over the world „Nutella“ has become the Italian group „Ferrero“ to a lawsuit. It remains to be seen whether this will be the final outcome for the „sweet start“ in the day means. (Fr)

Picture: Susanne Schmich