Emergency tariff helps only the PKV

Emergency tariff helps only the PKV / Health News

Clientele policy in the sense of private health insurance: Left criticizes emergency tariff and bill


Is not the Federal Ministry of Health at all concerned with the help of debtors in private health insurance by creating an emergency tariff? The left-wing politician and health spokeswoman for the party, Martina Bunge, claims, „This bill is not about the interests of the private insured, but about private insurance“. According to the expert, the federal government wants to effectively abolish compulsory insurance.

Hundreds of thousands of privately insured and once again so many voluntarily legally insured can no longer pay their health protection. But the PKV recorded an open debt mountain of over 500 million euros. The GKV even speaks of about 1.4 billion euros. A reason for the policy to take action.

Two days ago we reported that the Federal Ministry of Health has drafted a bill. This shows that for defaulting payers of private health insurance, a so-called "emergency tariff" should be introduced. The mini tariff should not cost more than 100 euros per month to the insured. From the Ministry it was said that with this project „A progression of the debt mountain wants to prevent the defaulting insured“.

Left: Helps the private health insurance
But the Left Party politician sees it completely different: „And to help once again the private health insurance, black-yellow creates the obligation to an adequate health insurance in fact. Who knows, maybe the draft comes from the private health insurance itself - black and yellow likes to make use of its formulations, as was the case recently with a citizen insurance paper, "Bunge mocks the so-called PKV emergency tariff.

The health spokeswoman said that the PKV assumes an emergency tariff of 100 euros. The lowest contribution, but the self-employed pay in the statutory health insurance as voluntarily insured, is just under 200 €. And the „although they also receive emergency payments for arrears“, so bunge. Show that, for „which insured beats the heart of the black and yellow federal government.“ This is intended to create a means of pressure in order to ultimately decide on private health insurance. „This clientele policy is blatant.“

Demand for citizens insurance
Instead of the „Abolish compulsory insurance to strengthen the PKV“, should in the opinion of the left the „PKV in favor of a solidary citizens' insurance be abolished“. The treatment of cash patients as „Insured second class“ would stop it. In addition, a sufficient health care belong „to subsistence level, which may not be affected even in arrears“. In the private sector one speaks instead of an "envy debate", without going into the content of the allegations. (Sb)

Also read:
Abolition of health insurance usurious rates
Zoll drives debts for health insurances
Health insurance: Non-payers cause losses
Private patients flee to the health insurance

Picture: Ronny Richert