North Germans live happiest

North Germans live happiest / Health News

Survey shows: Northern lights are happier and healthier


Living happily and happily - what sounds so beautiful seems to be the best way for people in the north of the country. As a recent study by the Forsa Institute on behalf of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) has shown, more than every other North German is a total „very satisfied“ with his life. Nationwide, this had only 47 percent indicated. This result is also reflected in the health of the people, because in the north, according to the study „Stay relaxed, Germany!“ Significantly fewer cases of mental illness occur in the regional comparison.

82 percent of the people in the north enjoy working
Everyone probably wants a happy and contented life - the people in the northern states seem to be most likely to implement this idea. The current Forsa study „Stay relaxed, Germany!“ came to the conclusion that 53 percent of „Northern lights“ are very satisfied with their lives and thus compared to the national average (48%) clearly ahead, according to the statement of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). Particularly striking is the results according to the difference in satisfaction in the job: Here, according to the TK 82 percent of North Germans had stated that they enjoy having fun at work and consider this as an important part of their lives - nationwide, these statements, however, had only 71 percent the respondents agreed.

The North „ticking“ different with the topic „stress“
For the study had the opinion research institute „Forsa“ On behalf of the TK in September 2013, 1,000 German-speaking persons over the age of 18 (51% women and 49% men) were asked about their stress levels, triggers, consequences and stress; 16% of respondents came from the northern federal states (Schleswig-Holstein, Bremen , Lower Saxony and Hamburg). It turned out that the north was on the subject „stress“ obviously different „ticking“ as the rest of the republic: While 50% of the surveyed North Germans stated that they rarely or never feel stressed, only 37% of respondents in Baden-Württemberg were able to agree to this statement (national average: 57%).

Significantly less emotional complaints
That would, according to the study „the northerners also the relaxation top spot“ evidence - which is also reflected in the emergence of mental health problems such as burn-out, depression and anxiety disorders. Here, the survey showed that 35 percent of the respondents in Baden-Württemberg were affected by such complaints in the last three years - compared to 13 percent in the northern countries (German average: 21%). According to the study, North Germans can thus evidently deal better with stress altogether - because, according to the Techniker Krankenkasse, more than every fourth person from the north (26 percent) is of the statement „In case of stress I run up to top form“ This was the case nationwide with only 17 percent of respondents.

Avoid health risks by handling stress properly
But stress is not equal to stress and does not automatically have negative consequences - it is important to ensure that tension and pressure do not gain the upper hand, because then quickly the physical and mental health affected. „While stress can not be completely banished from everyday life, one can learn how to deal with it properly“, said the spokeswoman for the TK association Schleswig-Holstein / Hamburg, Margarita Frank. This is the basis for one's own satisfaction - because those who succeed, for example, in positively compensating for strong stress on the job with sport or a harmonious private life, are thus less susceptible to the health risks of negative stress.

Stress reduction made easy
Therefore, it is enormously important to be always the personal „stress level“ to be aware of and to become active in the event of increased or permanent negative stress. The stress reduction is often easier than you think - in many cases, a rethinking or viewing situations from a different angle helps. In addition, there are many opportunities to reduce tension and pressure through exercise and / or relaxation methods such as yoga, qigong or autogenic training. The power of the plants can also be used meaningfully - here, for example, in the context of aromatherapy, the use of dried lavender flowers has proven itself.

Image: Farina2000