Nuns have a higher risk of cancer without a pill

Nuns have a higher risk of cancer without a pill / Health News

Catholic nuns are at higher risk for cancer, according to a study without an anti-baby pill


According to a recent scientific journal „The Lancet“ Catholic nuns have a significantly increased risk of cancer as they usually do not take birth control pills. The risk of developing a malignant tumor on the ovaries or uterus could be reduced by 60 percent if religious women use hormonal contraceptives, Australian cancer researchers Kara Britt and Roger Short report in their recently published article. But the hormonal pill is not suitable for every woman on aspects of health.

Scientists express concerns about the Catholic Church's attitude to artificial contraception
Because of the potential reduction in cancer risk from the pill, scientists demand free access to oral contraceptives for all religious sisters. The Australian Bishops' Conference stated that the Church would not object to the use of the pill for medical reasons. Brian Lucas, Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference, told New Zealand television: „ There is no ethical problem at all.“ He sees a number of reasons why nuns could prescribe a hormone preparation.

However, Kara Britt sees a danger that nuns may refrain from using the pill due to the Catholic Church's opposition to artificial contraception. In 1968, Pope Paul VI officially rejected the encyclical „Humanae vitae“ an artificial birth control. But the document also shows that the church „therapeutic measures necessary to heal physical illness are not considered illicit“ think „even if from all probability a procreation prevention occurs.“

Hormonal contraceptives have risks
Although the evidence-based evidence shows that nuns and other childless women are at significantly higher risk for ovarian or uterine cancer because they have more menstrual cycles in their lives, it should not be overlooked that taking hormone supplements is risky the scientists in the journal „The Lacet“.

Possible side effects of birth control pills include migraines, nausea and vomiting, weight gain, breast tenderness, mood changes and decreased sexual desire. It can also thrombosis, high blood pressure and dysfunction of the liver occur. Women with pre-existing conditions should definitely check with a doctor, if the contraceptive pill is suitable for them. Again and again, the pill is prescribed high risk. Only recently it became known that two preparations of the pharmaceutical company „Bavarian“ are suspected of increasing the risk of developing thrombosis. These are the birth control pills „Yasmin“ and „Yaz“. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it would be vigorous.

It remains women only continue to weigh the possibility of whether the advantages or disadvantages of contraceptive pill outweigh for them personally. If a woman chooses the pill, a consultation with the specialist is essential, especially since the pill in Germany requires a prescription. In natural medicine, however, hormonal agents are rejected as an intervention in the hormone balance of the body. As an alternative, some naturopaths recommend the Mexican wild yam root. The plant active ingredient already played a major role in the invention of conventional birth control pills. (Ag)

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Image: Paul-Georg Meister