Even more allegations against SLK clinic

Even more allegations against SLK clinic / Health News

New allegations against the management of SLK clinics are loud: After the announcement of the medical scandal will now be determined because of billing fraud. The prosecution determined.


The Heilbroner SLK clinics remain in the headlines. After a doctor from Holland, who is said to have worked in the hospital between 2011 and 2012, but without any knowledge of the hospital management about their bad reputation in the Netherlands, sees the clinic management exposed to new allegations. The prosecution has been investigated and the "Foundation for Patient Protection" has filed a criminal complaint.

According to the media, the public prosecutor's office is to inform the current managing director of the clinics, Dr. med. Thomas Jendges, „banded billing fraud“ accuse, as the medical journal reported in its current issue. The fraud was committed by today's chief physician and neurologist during his position as managing director of the Berlin-based DRK clinics in the period between December 2006 and July 2008 according to investigative authorities. The public prosecutor's office accuses the SLK managing director of being involved in about 20 accounting fraud cases. However, an indictment was not admitted by the court.

Jendges already informed the Supervisory Board in 2010 about the preliminary investigation. However, he did not seem to have passed on the information. The current managing directors and management of the DRK clinics can not recognize a criminal misconduct of the former managing director during his employment in Berlin.

Criminal application of the Foundation for Patient Protection: Chief Physician's fee without chief physician treatment estimated
The "foundation patient protection" has according to own data an indication on suspicion „billing fraud“ posed. The Foundation accuses the physician as involved in having asked several patients for a chief physician treatment, although the therapy by the Dutch neurologist Dr. med. Ernst J. S. was carried out. However, at the SLK clinic, he was employed only as a fee-based doctor. The foundation invokes this „Contract documents of a patient“. The person was privately insured and had a claim to a chief physician treatment. However, the private insured had been treated by the Dutch doctor. On the bill, according to documents „the honorary doctor of a chief physician treatment“, so the foundation.

In one case, this reproach was granted by the managing director of the SLK-Klinik. In addition, it became known that a second doctor on a fee basis in the neurological department was active. He had worked there for a few months last year. On the grounds of the clinic this was then provided by the police. The man was up „intoxicated“ stopped at the site. When investigations were made then it came out that the accused had no license to practice. (Sb)

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