Low girl birth rate in the aces region
Doctors of the IPPNW contradict the Federal Government: In addition to the cancer cases, the maiden birth rate in the region around Asse is significantly lower than elsewhere.
The physicians' organization IPPNW contradicts the representation of the Federal Government, the accumulated cancers in the Asse region are pure statistical coincidence. Because in addition to the leukemia and thyroid cancers have also been found significantly fewer births of girls. According to the doctors, this result is significant. To speak of a coincidence and to name this as a cause appears from the point of view of the medical profession as „extremely unlikely“.
Kusmierz, Voigt and Scherb participated in the statistical evaluation. They also studied the gender distribution of live born children in Remlingen from 1971-2009 (beginning of the Asse farm: 1965). Instead of the statistically expected relation of 105 boys: 100 girls, the significantly changed ratio was 125: 100. In the Asse phase of operation plus one year follow-up (1971-1979) the ratio is even clearer at 142: 105. The statistician dr. Hagen Scherb, Helmholtz Institute Munich, said: “The gender opportunity ratio is 1.35, i. In this phase theoretically every 4th girl would be lost, if only girls were affected.”
For the medical organization, the missing maiden births are another indication of possible effects of the ionizing radiation exposure of the region around the ailing Asse nuclear waste storage. Only a study submitted in October 2010 had revealed the decline of maiden births in the vicinity of nuclear facilities in Switzerland and Germany. Comparable results were also found after the Chernobyl disaster. Experts suggest that female germs are more sensitive to atomic radiation than males. „Perhaps the displacement of the sexual relation at birth may be considered as a biological indicator of low ionizing radiation.“, as it was called.
According to the IPPNW, the Ministry of the Environment should arrange for the German Childhood Cancer Registry (DKKR) in Mainz to publish the so far covert childhood cancer numbers for the integrated municipality of Asse. All cancers are recorded centrally in Mainz. So far, only the adult cancer rates have been announced. (Sb)
Also read:
High rate of aces cancer chance?
Coincidence of the aces cancer rate has not been proven
Ministry of the Environment: aces cancer rate pure coincidence
Leukemia risk due to ailing aces plant?
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