New method for the early diagnosis of dangerous lung diseases in babies

New method for the early diagnosis of dangerous lung diseases in babies / Health News

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Better diagnosis for newborns

The dangerous lung disease called bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) affects babies. If newborns have lung disease, they will probably do so all their lives. Particularly at risk of developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia are premature babies born at less than 1,500 grams. Researchers are now developing a method that could enable early and safe diagnosis of BDP in the future.

The scientists of the University of Munich found in their study that a newly developed procedure for the diagnosis of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) seems to be very effective. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine".

Preterm babies, but also babies born at a normal time, may develop lung disease called bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Physicians have now developed a procedure that enables effective diagnosis of the disease. (Image: Jasmin Merdan - fotolia)

Premature babies are at a particularly high risk

If premature babies weigh less than 1,500 grams, they are at an increased risk of developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The disease can also affect newborns with a normal body weight, explains Dr. med. Anne Hilgendorff, head of the Center for Comprehensive Developmental Care at Dr. Ing. Haunerschen Children's Hospital and the integrated social pediatric center at the University of Munich.

The lungs develop late in newborns

In adolescent babies, the lungs are among the most recently developed organs. If babies are born too soon, their lungs are not fully mature. This makes them susceptible to various complications, such as respiratory distress syndrome. Patients also have an increased risk of suffering from chronic lung disease (such as BPD) later in life. The research team around the expert Dr. Anne Hilgendorff and the neonatologist dr. Kai Martin Förster from the Perinatal Center at the LMU-Klinikum have now developed a procedure that enables an early and effective diagnosis of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

At birth, newborns lack fully developed alveoli

Babies lack their birth at already fully formed alveoli. In addition, the neonates also lack the appropriate blood vessels to absorb the oxygen from the alveoli. This results in an increased oxygen demand and an increased respiratory effort. Artificial respiration can ensure the survival of the affected children. Long-term treatment with oxygen can also be used to combat acute respiratory distress. But such a treatment is a two-edged sword, so to speak. "Artificial respiration and oxygenation contribute significantly to the development of the chronic complication that BPD causes," explains Drs. Anne Hilgendorff in a press release of the Helmholtz Zentrum München.

BPD is not detected in newborns in time

So far, there has been the problem that BPD is not detected in time safely, so as to initiate effective treatment shortly after birth. Affected children are only observed medically because of the possible risk.

Physicians examine newborn blood samples

The scientists analyzed blood plasma samples taken from a total of 35 premature infants during their first week of life examination. These samples were then examined with the aid of an innovative high-tech method. So the experts wanted to detect changes in all detectable proteins. The examination was then repeated once more on the 28th day of life of the newborn.

Three proteins apparently contribute to the development of the disease

To evaluate the data obtained, the scientists have developed a statistical model to determine which babies have an increased likelihood of developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia immediately after birth. In the analysis, three white proteins were particularly noticeable. These proteins are suspected to contribute to the onset of the disease, Dr. Anne Hilgendorff. By analyzing this system, the remodeling of the alveoli, the state of vascular development and the inflammatory reaction can be determined.

Further research is needed

Another study now has to confirm the findings. If these results are positive again, a simple test must be developed urgently, which analyzes only the three so-called marker proteins and not all 1129 proteins, explain the experts. Such a procedure would greatly facilitate early neonatal diagnosis. Thus, a subsequent treatment could be more effective. The treatment options normally used for treatment are cortisone, vitamin A and the optimization of fluid intake and ventilation. If the proteins are truly a reliable form of risk assignment right after birth, further research into new forms of treatment is also possible. (As)