New medical center to help against hair loss
Hair loss causes many men but also women. The causes can be extremely different and a successful treatment requires an exact clarification of the triggers. The last option remains a self-hair transplantation, which, however, requires a lot of tact from the surgeons, so the announcement of the University of Bonn. In future, patients with hair loss will be helped here in a special competence center.
The specialists at the University Hospital Bonn have set up the competence center "Hair", which is so far unique in Germany, and where hair transplantation can be performed in addition to consultation and diagnostics. In addition, research into the causes and treatment options for hair loss in the competence center will be promoted.
Hair loss is especially distressing for women. At a new center of excellence of the University of Bonn patients are to be helped. (Image: Cara-Foto / causes of hair loss
According to the experts, a few hairs a morning on the pillow are no reason to panic, but "more than 100 hairs are lost, and that over a longer period of time, should affected seek advice." At the new center of competence are the possible cause for an existing hair loss such as "chronic diseases, problems with the thyroid gland, hormonal disorders and vitamin deficiency" clarified and derived the respective treatment options. By means of various clinical examinations, the doctors diagnose the form of hair loss, according to the announcement of the University of Bonn.
With destroyed hair roots, only a self-hair transplant helps
"As versatile as hair loss is, as versatile are the diagnoses and corresponding therapies," say the experts. Here there is not the "a hair restorer", which promises success in any case, but each hair loss must be considered separately. In most cases, receding hairline to the bald head in the man and thinning hair in the woman, however, conditioned. This so-called androgenic hair loss is caused by a degeneration of the hair roots. "If the hair roots are irrevocably damaged, there is no alternative to self-hair transplantation," says Privatdozent Dr. med. Klaus Walgenbach, Spokesman for the Center and Head of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery at the University Hospital Bonn.
Healthy hair roots are implanted in hairless areas
For the own hair transplantation of the so-called wreath area at the back of vital veins hair roots are removed either as a single hair or as a narrow strip of hair, carefully prepared the individual follicles and then planted in the hairless area in the smallest micro-channels These so-called slits are previously created with a very fine scalpel and are at A size of 0.7 millimeters barely visible to the naked eye, reports the University of Bonn. "Important here is a precise slit depth and an exact directional angle to the skin, which is adapted to the natural and yet individually different growth direction of the remaining hair", emphasizes the Bonn surgeon dr. Annette Hortling.
New hair growth after three to four months
If the removed hair root units, so-called grafts, were inserted into the canals with micro-tweezers, the roots of the hair rest first and after about two to six weeks, only the small hairs fall out. Klaus Walgenbach. After three to four months, the root begins to produce strong hair again, which then remains permanently. In the end, after successful transplantation, it is no longer clear whether "the hair has been transplanted or originally grown there." Depending on the desired amount of hair root, the outpatient procedure takes between three and six hours. As a rule, only a local anesthetic is required. However, the costs are usually not covered by the health insurance. Exception may be hair loss due to accident or burns. (Fp)