New ovarian cancer magazine for affected patients

New ovarian cancer magazine for affected patients / Health News
Mamma Mia, previously known as the Breast Cancer Magazine, is now dedicated to another major disease in women's disease. On the 8th of May "Mamma Mia! The ovarian cancer magazine ". With contributions from more than 10 medical experts in oncology, the guide addresses patients with ovarian cancer. The first issue appears as a basic advisor "special" and clarifies fundamentally about the clinical picture, provides an overview of treatment options, new therapies and complementary forms of treatment. Further topics will be published quarterly from autumn 2015.

The magazine is free of charge in gynecological centers and oncological practices or is at the reader service of Mamma Mia! to order. The research-based pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca has taken over the sponsorship for the realization of this project. Ovarian cancer is the seventh most diagnosed cancer among women in Germany. Every year there are more than 7,500 new cases. However, the disease is discovered too late in many women, and barely two-thirds of survivors survive the next five years.

"Women with ovarian cancer often have the desire to learn more about their disease," says Eva Schumacher-Wulf, editor-in-chief of Mamma Mia! "Despite medical education, many questions often remain unanswered and so far there has hardly been any sound information in patient-friendly language. We are therefore very pleased to be able to finally inform the women comprehensively with our new magazine and perhaps even make a contribution to their recovery ". Questions such as "Where can I find professional advice?", "What new therapeutic approaches are there?" Or "Am I familiarized with my family?" Are clarified in the current issue..

The editors are supported by many well-known experts, who clearly explain medical backgrounds in interviews and articles. "Without the voluntary cooperation of the numerous specialists, this patient advisor would not have been possible", says Eva Schumacher-Wulf. The magazine is also supported by the company AstraZeneca. "We have a need to provide detailed information for patients with ovarian cancer. The educational work makes a not insignificant contribution to the individual handling of the disease ", explains Dr. med. Karl Matussek, Vice President Oncology at AstraZeneca. (Pm)