New diagnostic tool for prostate cancer diagnosis successfully tested on urine

New diagnostic tool for prostate cancer diagnosis successfully tested on urine / Health News
New technology could revolutionize prostate examination
There are some types of cancer that occur particularly often in men and threaten their health massively. These include prostate cancer, which is one of the most common cancers in men. British researchers have now developed a diagnostic tool that can "smell" prostate cancer in men in urine.

Many men fear a disease of prostate cancer. About three out of every hundred German men die of this cancer. It is important to detect the cancer at an early stage before metastasis can occur to facilitate successful treatment. So far, it was necessary for a regular unpleasant prostate examination in a urologist. Scientists from the University of Liverpool and the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) have now developed a new diagnostic tool that is able to "smell" prostate cancer in the urine. The researchers published their findings in the journal "Journal of Breath Research".

A new diagnostic tool could significantly improve the early detection of prostate cancer. (Image: fotoliaxrender /

"Odoreader" device could save patients unpleasant prostate examination
British researchers have developed a non-invasive diagnostic tool. This so-called "odoreader" device can "smell" prostate cancer in the urine. The diagnostic tool could be used by men who are at an increased risk for prostate cancer, explain the physicians. The device works like an electronic nose. It identifies different patterns of urinary cancers in the urine of patients. The extracted urine samples are introduced into a device and an algorithm then detects possible cancer, the researchers explain. The positioning of the prostate, which is located near our bladder, gives the urine profile a different expression when a man has cancer, says Professor Norman Ratcliffe of the "UWE Bristol"

"Odoreader" detects prostate cancer with an accuracy of 95 percent
In the study, the researchers tested the device on 155 men. Of the subjects, a total of 58 men had prostate cancer. 24 subjects had bladder cancer and 73 men had no cancer. The new device identified prostate cancer in the samples with an accuracy of 95 percent, say the scientists. Bladder cancer was even found to be 100 percent. The researchers believe that diagnostics will revolutionize in the future if the device is successfully registered. There is currently no more accurate test for prostate cancer, explain the researchers. Often current tests would give false alarm. The inaccuracy of the current PSA test indicators could lead to unnecessary biopsies, Prof. Ratcliffe continues. The goal was to develop a test that can determine in a first-time diagnosis in a non-invasive way, whether patients have cancer, explains the researchers.

New technology must become more user-friendly for the best results
There is an urgent need to identify these cancers at an early stage because they are even easier to treat. The next step is to make the new technology more user-friendly, explain the researchers. Then the "odoreader" could be used where it is most needed, for example, directly at the patient's bed or in a doctor's office, says Professor Chris Probert. Thus, the fastest, most cost-effective and precise results are to be expected, adds the physician. (As)