New drug against severe testicular cancer forms successful

New drug against severe testicular cancer forms successful / Health News
New treatment option for hard-to-treat testicular cancer
Testicular cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. Some forms are particularly resistant to therapy. Now scientists from the University of Bonn have successfully tested a new drug against these severe testicular cancers.

The new active substances can help against severe forms of testicular cancer, which respond insufficiently to other therapies, according to the Bonn University Communication. In the studies on mice, the drug had successfully killed the degenerate cells and led to a shrinking of the testicular tumors. The study results were published in the journal "Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine".

The drug "JQ1" could significantly improve the treatment of testicular cancer in the future. (Image: Uwe Grötzner /

Testicular cancer is one of the most common male tumor diseases
According to the researchers, testicular cancer is "the most common malignant tumor disease in men between the ages of 20 and 40 years." While this is usually treated well, in some cases, the carcinoma hardly or not at all respond to the treatment. Here could the substance called "JQ1" help. This was originally intended as a possible contraceptive for the male, as it prevents the maturation of sperm. But apparently "JQ1" is also suitable for use in cancer therapy.

Testicular tumors shrink through the active ingredient
The drug was supposed to be used as a kind of "pill for the man", but instead he could now earn a reputation as a cancer drug. In experiments on mice, the substance had successfully killed degenerate cells and let testicular tumors shrink, the scientists report. Hubert Schorle from the Institute of Pathology, University of Bonn. In addition to the researchers from the University of Bonn, scientists from the University of St. Gallen and Harvard Medical School were also involved in the current study.

Effect begins with the DNA
According to the researchers, substances such as "JQ1" influence which genes in the cell are read and which are not. The DNA is to be understood here as a kind of "Morsestreifen" with building instruction for the cell molecules, at which at regular intervals the so-called Histone are. "Histone and DNA together form a kind of shortened pearl necklace," explain the scientists. The histones are also provided with chemical labels - so-called methyl or acetyl groups.

Altered gene activity leads to the death of cancer cells
On the basis of the "labels" will be signaled whether the "Morsestreifen" should be read at this point or not, the scientists report. The substance "JQ1" would block those proteins that read these histone tags, the experts say. In this way the gene activity in the cell changes, emphasizes Prof. Dr. med. Hubert Schorle. The cancer cells react very sensitively to this and they activate a kind of suicide program, apoptosis, explain the researchers.

Successful test in the mouse model
For example, in the "testicular cancer mouse model" tumors began to shrink following JQ1 administration, explains study author Sina Jostes. The healthy skin cells, however, seemed to tolerate "JQ1" very well, according to Jostes. Although studies on humans are still pending, the current study results are quite optimistic. In addition to "JQ1" further agents are known that directly change the labeling of histones. These include, for example, "romidepsin", for which the Bonn research group has recently been able to prove that this also very effectively combats testicular cancer cells. The substance is already approved for the treatment of patients with certain cancers.

Combined therapy possible
Therefore, the researchers in the current study also examined to what extent a combined treatment with the two drugs in the mice fights the tumor cells. Here "we were able to achieve a similar effect with relatively small amounts of both substances, as with JQ1 or romidepsin alone", reports Dr. med. Daniel Nettersheim from the study results. "Such a combination therapy for the treatment of testicular tumors would probably be much better tolerated. Chemotherapy-resistant patients could benefit as well, "continued Nettersheim. Whether this hope is true, should now be reviewed in clinical trials. After all, investigations on humans are pending. (Fp)