New Op-Trend Instead of implants breast lift

New Op-Trend Instead of implants breast lift / Health News

Instead of implants after pregnancy: New trend in cosmetic surgery: Breast lift


Although breast augmentations are still the most common beauty surgeries, their numbers are decreasing. On the other hand, the number of women who have their breasts tightened without silicone after pregnancy increases. But even such an intervention is not completely risk-free.

Number of breast lifts is increasing
Many women are psychologically burdened with seeing their hanging breast in the mirror after one or more pregnancies. Self esteem can suffer and then a breast lift might be worth considering. Although there is no guarantee that the breast will look like it was before, more and more women are dying. For the first time in 2012, this beauty surgery was one of the top ten most popular plastic surgeon treatments. This emerges from a now presented survey by the German Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (DGÄPC).

Breast after pregnancy smaller than before
Prof. Dennis von Heimburg from the Association of German Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (VDÄPC) explains: „After pregnancy, the breast usually appears emptied, limp and hanging. The nipple is relatively lower in depth, fullness in the décolleté is often completely lost.“ The reasons for the breast change are manifold. Thus, the breast is only greatly enlarged by the pregnancy and the skin is stretched accordingly. The volume of the breast decreases after weaning, however, and as a rule, it is even smaller than before pregnancy. Usually, however, then the skin coat can not contract again to the same extent. Uwe von Fritschen of the German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (DGPRÄC) explains: „How well he does that depends heavily on the ingredients of the skin such as collagen and elastin.“ These change with age but are also genetically predetermined.

Operations only by the specialist after consultation
The elasticity of the skin is also reduced by smoking and frequent sun exposure. „Generally, the skin on the chest is thinner and inelastic. It will not shrink back as well as it does on the stomach“, explains DGÄPC President Sven von Saldern in addition. For women who desperately want to regain their original breast shape, medical intervention is the only way. It advises of Fritschen: „Women should undergo such an operation exclusively by a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery.“ In order to create a reasonable basis for decision-making, several counseling sessions should be conducted, in which it is necessary to ask the expertise of the specialist and to clarify whether and with what methods this can realize their own wishes. „Detailed advice also includes creating an individualized treatment plan, a cost estimate, showing before-and-after pictures, and educating you about potential complications“, so the doctor.

Breast lift leaves scars
After a breast lift scars are always left behind. „They are usually reddened in the first year, may be swollen and may need an aftertreatment, for example, by ointments“, so from Heimburg. With this permanent blemish on the patient should definitely deal in advance. Gerhild von Müller from the Professional Association of German Psychologists notes: „Such an operation does not really return the youthful body.“ But there are scars that are always visible and, above all, always felt, sometimes painful.

Medically not usually required
The complication rate is comparatively low in a professional surgery. However, there may be wound healing disorders or impaired sensibility. It could also happen that the woman does not breastfeed later and that the breast can relax again. In addition to these factors, disorders such as coagulation disorders, mental illness or personal reasons may also be against surgery. Medically required is a breast lift in the rarest cases. Mostly it is done only as a form beautifying procedure. „The costs - depending on the extent of this are between about 4,500 and 6,000 euros - so the patient has to pay herself“, explained by Saldern. If there is an implant to increase the volume, the patient can sometimes count on 8,000 euros. (Ad)

Picture: Peter Smola