New Naturopathy Guide published

New Naturopathy Guide published / Health News

The new Naturopathy Guide: "Naturopathy for everyone".

(11.07.2010) The Gersfelder physician and herbalist Dr. Gersfelder has received a new naturopathic guide. med. Jürgen Freiherr von Rosen published. In the guide "Naturopathy for Everyone" laymen can learn all sorts of naturopathic procedures, applications and advice on health care.

The author has been working on the topic of naturopathic practice for over 40 years. The physician specializing in natural holistic medicine has been practicing naturopathy since 1969, settled in 1971 in Gersfeld in Hesse and ten years later opened a specialist clinic for naturopathy, the Schloßpark-Klinik Gersfeld in the nature park and biosphere reserveRhon. In the clinic are mainly chronic conditions such as allergies, stomach and intestinal diseases, rheumatic diseases, complaints of the lymphatic system and others with naturopathic methods, such as the F.X. Mayr cure, the Bach flower therapy, the respiratory therapy, the craniosacral therapy (part of osteopathy) or the manual lymph drainage treated. Diagnostically, the clinic can also draw on a variety of diagnostic options from natural medicine, such as darkfield microscopy or iris diagnostics. Dr. von Rosen is considered a pioneer and a proven expert in the field of natural medicine. Among other things, he is the founder of the "Society for the Development and Promotion of Naturopathy", which has made it its mission to integrate naturopathy back into conventional medicine.

In his guide, his expertise is reproduced in understandable form for professionals and lay people. So readers can learn about the development of diseases and what alternative treatment therapies are possible. Freiherr von Rosen also focuses on the prevention of diseases with the help of nature. The naturopathic treatment is almost free of side effects and "gentle". The book "Naturopathy for Everyone" is now available in bookstores for 14.95 EURO (ISBN: 978-3-86616-166-5). (sb, tf)

picture: Kirsten Kasselmann