New HIV vaccine in AIDS research

New HIV vaccine in AIDS research / Health News

Spanish researchers develop HIV vaccine


Spanish researchers have achieved a stage victory in the fight against the previously incurable immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS. A well-tolerated HIV vaccine could prevent the onset of the disease in the future and replace antiretroviral therapy. The scientists emphasize, however, that the HIV vaccine can not be considered a cure for AIDS. But he arouses hope for a more effective treatment method of immunodeficiency disease.

Previous therapy for HIV with strong side effects
If an HIV infection is not treated, the affected person's immune system is damaged so severely that the onset of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) occurs. This stage of the disease is characterized above all by the occurrence of so-called opportunistic infections and malignant tumors, which are life-threatening. The so-called human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is transmitted through contact with the body fluids blood, semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk and cerebrospinal fluid.

For some time, antiretroviral drugs have been used successfully in HIV and AIDS, so that the life expectancy of those affected has risen significantly today. Although the combination of different drugs often means that the virus in the blood of the patients is no longer detectable, the drugs cause no cure. However, they prevent the proliferation of the virus and must therefore be taken for life. The side effects of antiretroviral therapy (ART) vary individually. Often, they only occur at the beginning of treatment, but in some cases they have serious health consequences, as the German AIDS-Hilfe informs.

HIV vaccine could prevent AIDS outbreak
The new HIV vaccine, developed by a Spanish team of researchers led by Felipe Garcia of the University of Barcelona, ​​is raising new hope for a more tolerable and effective treatment for the immunodeficiency syndrome. The HIV vaccine is designed to strengthen the immune system of those affected and prevent the infection of the white blood cells.

"When HI viruses enter the body, the immune system reacts, where the phagocytes (colloquially referred to as scavenger cells) break up the virus and break it down into small pieces. The tiny HIV fragments enter the membranes of the dendritic cells of the immune system. If the infectious fragments are located in the outer cell membrane of the dendritic cells, they can infect the lymphocytes, which are among the white blood cells. These die off instead of starting an immune reaction as in a healthy state. "The new HIV vaccine should prevent this process, as the researchers write in the journal" Science Translational Medicine ".

HIV vaccine awakens immune system of the human body
In the Spanish study, the dendritic cells of 36 patients with HI virus were rendered inactive by heating. Subsequently, these dendritic cells were administered to the subjects as a vaccine. Since the HI viruses were no longer active, they could now no longer infect the white blood cells, so that the immune response was started as usual.

As the researchers report, the HIV vaccine has caused the immune system to respond with a marked immune response to the HI virus. In a stronger immune response, the multiplication of the pathogens was even more suppressed. After twelve weeks of use, the researchers were able to determine the biggest effect of the HIV vaccine. At 48 weeks after initiation of therapy, subjects' immune response was still significantly better than that of the control group receiving a placebo. However, the effect of the HIV vaccine decreased significantly compared to the twelfth week to the end of the study period.

HIV vaccine is not a cure for AIDS
The researchers emphasize that despite the positive study results, the HIV vaccine is by no means a new cure for AIDS. "This proof of concept supports further research into new agents and / or improved immunization strategies with the ultimate goal of finding a functional alternative to antiretroviral therapy," the researchers write.

Although it is currently not known how strong the immune response to the HI virus must be to destroy all viruses, however, the new method shows that the amount of virus in the blood plasma of the subjects could be significantly reduced even without antiretroviral therapy. (Sb)

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