New flu vaccine also for swine flu

New flu vaccine also for swine flu / Health News

New flu vaccine that also protects against swine flu.

(05.08.2010) Nearly a year ago, the world was caught in the grip of a swine flu (H1 / N1) pandemic and all public institutions were stocking up on huge amounts of vaccine. Today we know that the feared pandemic did not materialize, even though most people were not vaccinated. All that remains of the excitement today is the vaccine, which is still kept in hundreds of thousands of cans in various cities.

Now the new vaccine for the annual flu epidemic is available and it also contains an active ingredient to protect against swine flu. "The vaccine against swine flu actually no one needs more," clarified Regina Kneiding of the Berlin Senate Health Administration. Thus, the old stocks have finally lost their value and those responsible must ask themselves whether the massive investments were not a bit premature. Berlin alone has ordered 1.4 million doses of vaccine for more than 10 million euros, of which approx. 750,000 have been delivered. In fact, only about 150,000 cans were needed. However, the policy defends itself against the accusation one would have acted hastily. It would have been negligent not to prepare accordingly for a threatening pandemic, according to representatives from the various federal states.

While last year's registration with the doctor or health department was required for the swine flu vaccines to ensure the safe delivery of the vaccine, this year's new vaccine, which is also used to treat normal flu, has no such registration more necessary. Even though the annual influenza wave reaches Germany in the fall and the WHO warns that the swine flu virus will reappear here as well, similar chaotic conditions as in 2009 due to the new vaccine are unlikely to be expected again.

A vaccination with the new product is recommended by the Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA) and the Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO), in particular, to people who may continue to have serious health consequences with influenza. For example, a person over the age of 60, diabetics, and / or people with chronic heart, kidney, or liver disease. When it comes to the BzgA and the STIKO pregnant women should also undergo a vaccine, as they are more susceptible to certain flu and the likelihood of a serious disease course is higher with them. People vaccinated against swine flu last year are also likely to have some protection from the H1N1 pathogen, but not from the seasonal flu epidemic. Therefore, the two institutions recommend that everyone from the above groups get treated with the new vaccine. It is advisable, according to BzgA and the STIKO, to have the new vaccine administered at the beginning of autumn, since it takes about 2 weeks until the protection from vaccination works and most of them start the influenza wave in late autumn.

Representatives of natural medicine see vaccinations rather critical and fear possible consequences, including ingredients such as mercury or aluminum. (Fp)

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