New tips against food cravings With fiber against the constant hunger

New tips against food cravings With fiber against the constant hunger / Health News
Dietary fiber suppress cravings and make you lean
Everyone knows about cravings. The unpredictable appetite attacks can be harmless, but also have morbid causes. British researchers have now shown in a study how fiber can suppress the cravings and ultimately make them slim.

Food cravings can have many causes
Probably every person knows food cravings, where you get out of nowhere a wild appetite for something sweet or cravings for chips. Caused by this may be frustration, stress, hormonal disorders such as hypothyroidism or metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Also eating disorders come into consideration, also, the unbridled appetite may be an indication of excessive colonization with intestinal fungi (Candida albicans). As numerous as the possible causes are the tips against cravings attacks. Now new advice is added: British researchers showed in an experiment that a degradation product, which arises during the digestion of fiber, acts as a natural appetite suppressant.

To resist food cravings is not so easy. Fiber can obviously help. These can curb the heavy appetite and make it lean, as researchers now report. (Image: JenkoAtaman /

Healthy diet with lots of fiber
A fiber-rich diet helps to stimulate digestion and prevent constipation. The healthy fibers can even protect against colon cancer and reduce the risk of heart attack. However, fiber is not only healthy, it also reduces hunger and contributes to normal body weight. This effect is based on metabolic products that are released when degrading indigestible carbohydrates. The increased production of propionate reduces the daily calorie intake. Because this substance dampens the activity of brain regions, which are usually activated with stimulated appetite, as British scientists have now shown.

Normalize disturbed eating habits
As the researchers from Imperial College London and the University of Glasgow in the journal "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" report, a dietary supplement, which provides for an increased release of propionate in the intestine, could help to normalize disturbed eating behavior. The subjects were reported to receive a milkshake containing either inulin propionate ester or inulin. Later, the activity of specific brain regions was analyzed using functional magnetic resonance imaging. During these brain scans subjects were shown images of high or low calorie foods.

It turned out that the participants reacted less strongly to the seductive pictures after consumption of propionate than under pure inulin influence. In particular, in parts of the reward center of the brain, the scientists found a relatively low activity - in regions that were already associated in previous investigations with food cravings. In a further step, the subjects were offered a pasta dish with which they could eat their fill. Under propionate influence, they left behind about ten percent more pasta.

Effective nutritional supplement
For the researchers, this is a clear indication that the dietary supplement is an effective appetite suppressant. Study author Professor Gary Frost, who co-chaired the study with Dr Tony Goldstone, said in a statement from Imperial College London, "Our results so far showed that people who consumed this ingredient gained less weight - but we did not know why. This study provides the missing particle in the puzzle. It shows that this supplement can reduce brain activity associated with food reward while reducing the amount of food they eat. "Co-author Claire Byrne said," When we use inulin-propionate ester as a used dietary supplements that could curb the appetite for high calorie foods. "the same effect could theoretically also be achieved without artificial addition of propionate by a very high-fiber diet, but that is produced in the gut a comparable amount of the appetite suppressant degradation product, you would have a day 60 grams consume it. According to Frost, this amount would hardly be reasonable. (Ad)