New study Irish Heather Honey is said to be even better than Manuka

New study Irish Heather Honey is said to be even better than Manuka / Health News

Why is Irish Heather Honey so healthy?

For several years, it has been reported time and again that certain foods represent real superfood. Researchers have now found out that even so-called Irish Heather honey contains many health-promoting compounds. So this honey from Ireland is also superfood?

Researchers at Dublin City University (DCU) and Trinity College Dublin found in their study that Irish Heather Honey contains a great many compounds that are extremely beneficial to human health. This makes the honey a kind of superfood. The researchers published their results in the journal "Food Chemistry".

As a home remedy for treating various ailments, honey can serve well. (Image: volff /

Irish Heather honey healthier than Manuka honey?

Manuka honey has been considered superfood for several years, although some experts disagreed. Disputed was the question: Is Manuka honey an exaggerated hype or healing? Now it seems as if they could forget Manuka honey confidently, because the new Superfood honey comes from Ireland and is called Irish Heather honey.

Investigation of Irish Heather Honey lasted two years

A team of Irish scientists has been researching for two years to find out if the particular honey from Ireland is particularly beneficial to health. They found out that it is actually extremely rich in protective antioxidants.

Irish Heather Honey is less expensive than Manuka Honey

The relatively low-priced honey from Ireland could be the new liquid gold, as previously praised the expensive Manuka honey. Irish Heather Honey has a similar amount of antioxidants (known as phenolic compounds) like the much more expensive Manuka strain, the researchers explain. A glass of Irish Heather honey can be purchased for about 15 €. For comparison, the premium Manuka honey costs between 70 € and 90 €, the authors report.

What do antioxidants do??

Antioxidants can help protect against cell damage and even seem to help in the prevention of cancer, heart disease and even dementia. The Irish Heather honey contains many of the healthy antioxidants. In addition, the honey has antibacterial properties, which help in the regeneration of the skin, cough, colds and stomach ulcers. In addition, there are anti-inflammatory properties that can help control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, explain the physicians.

What influences the quality of the honey?

The Irish Heather honey comes from the nectar, which the bees collect from a small purple bell-shaped flower. The honey is especially healthy, if you can find a variety of plants and flowers near the beehives, the experts explain. Whether the honey originates from a rural or an urban environment has a great influence on the quality of the honey. The marked difference in honey composition between urban and rural hives is likely to reflect the difference in flower availability in urban and rural areas in Ireland, said Professor Jane Stout of Trinity College Dublin in a press release.

Is darker honey healthier?

Honey with a dark color typically has a higher antioxidant rate. However, so-called ivy honey, for which bees collect nectar from the flowering ivy plant, was the darkest Irish honey analyzed in the study and yet this honey contained less of the healthy antioxidants than the honey honey and manuka honey. The research focused on honey produced in Ireland, with the majority of the 131 samples coming from small private producers in Ireland. The research shows that Irish honey is a high quality product and something that we should really value, according to Dr. Blánaid White of Dublin City University. (As)