New S3 guideline on obsessive-compulsive disorder

New S3 guideline on obsessive-compulsive disorder / Health News


A new S3 guideline for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder has recently been published. It should provide orientation for the therapy.
In Germany, about 2.3 million people suffer from OCD symptoms each year. The disease not only severely affects one's own life, but also that of the relatives. However, they are often diagnosed incorrectly, late or not at all. Now, a guideline newly developed under the auspices of the German Psychiatric and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology Institute (DGPPN) will provide guidance for the treatment of OCD.

The guideline bundles the current research knowledge and provides a basis for decision-making for the treatment and care of persons with obsessive-compulsive disorders. It contains a total of 71 recommendations and statements that are also made transparent to the patients and their relatives. The guidelines can be found here. (Pm)

Image: Nazariy Kryvosheyev