New nerve cells identified in the brain
Neurons discovered control heart rate and blood pressure
An international science team has discovered a previously unknown cell type in the human brain. The identified cells apparently regulate the blood pressure and sinus rhythm of the heart. The researchers hope that the new discovery leads in perspective to improved treatment options for cardiovascular diseases.
Obviously, the humanoid brain is still not fully explored. A European research team has discovered new nerve cells in a special brain area. These are apparently responsible for the regulation of heart rhythm and blood pressure.
Nerve cells control blood pressure and heart rhythm
For centuries, no other organ has fascinated medical science more than the human brain. Time and again people weighed, measured, scanned and sliced the human brain into very thin slices. Nevertheless, research is always making new discoveries, such as scientists from various universities in the journal „Journal of Clinical Investigatio“ to report. The rediscovery is already considered a huge success. Because the researchers were able to discover new nerve cells during the years of work, the „control the heart rhythm and blood pressure“.
Under the leadership of the biologist Jens Mittag of the research group of the Stockholm Karolinska Institute, hitherto unrecognized neurons were identified with the help of German and Dutch colleagues, which adapt the heart rhythm and blood pressure to the current requirements of the human body. If emotional stress occurs, the blood pressure and heart rate increase. The cells can integrate different information from the brain. Whether further functionalities can be attributed to the neurons is still unclear. However, the scientists assume that the brain cells have to do far more tasks than just to regulate the blood pressure heart rhythm.
New discovery for therapies for high blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias
The researchers conclude that the discovery will most likely help to develop new therapies for patients with e.g. To develop tachycardia or hypertension. „Long term can help our discovery in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases“. The Swedish Karolinska Institute, which awards Nobel Laureates every year, speaks of itself „high hopes“, which were aroused thereby. “As we learn more about how scientists control these neurons, we may have a new approach to treating cardiovascular disease”, so noon. However, it might take a few more years before the first technical equipment can control neurons in a controlled manner.
However, in the near future, thyroid dysfunction in pregnancies could be better diagnosed and treated. Hypothyroidism may interfere with neuronal development and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in the child. (Sb)
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Image: Dieter Schütz