New internet therapy can also help against severe depression
Effective depression therapy for the home
As a recent study reports, Internet-based psychological therapies are a sensible concept for treating depression. Even for sufferers who show severe symptoms, the format is suitable. According to the study authors, there is no patient group that can not benefit from Internet treatment. Elderly people, those with a low level of education, or even those afflicted with very severe depression showed substantial improvements after Internet therapy.
These are the results of a study by the research team around the psychologist dr. David Ebert, who teaches Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU). In a meta-analysis, the team evaluated 24 clinical trials that included data from nearly 5,000 patients. The researchers recently published their study results in the journal "Clinical Psychology Review".
A recent analysis confirms the effectiveness of internet-based treatment for depression. In particular, those affected, who are open to such a therapy, can benefit greatly. (Image: dundanim / reservations about Internet treatment
"The online treatment of mental illness often encountered reservations," write the psychologists in a press release on the study results. The greatest skepticism prevails over patients with severe depression. They are too limited to use the Internet for themselves, so the usual fear. The team of dr. Ebert was able to refute these fears and pinpoint the appropriate target group for such treatments.
Depression patients benefit from Internet treatment
The meta-analysis enabled the researchers to find out which patient groups benefit better or worse from the new Internet treatment. In addition, scientists were able to identify factors that influence the effectiveness of such therapy. "The results of the study are clear," says the researchers. Internet therapies would indeed lead to clinically meaningful changes in depression patients.
Comparable effects with classic therapies
As the psychologists report, the likelihood of an improvement in depressive symptoms is comparable to the classical therapy formats. Internet therapy could have the same positive effects as psychotherapy or medication with antidepressants.
Everyone benefited
"There was no patient group that did not benefit from Internet treatment," the study authors sum up. Elderly, low educated or even very severe depression patients have shown substantial improvements. So you do not have to exclude them in principle from the treatment, so the conclusion of the experts.
There is one thing to consider
The researchers point out that you have to see the results in the right context. "The people affected actively opted for treatment via the Internet," explain the psychologists. The results of the study could therefore not be applied to all patients, but only to those who consciously opt for such a treatment. So if you are open-minded about Internet therapy, you can be helped very effectively, is the recommendation of the research team to the psychologist Dr. med. Ebert. (Vb)