New App Get your vacation rest with your smartphone
A vacation makes you happy and healthy. But after the days off you will often catch up quickly from your professional life. How can you still preserve the holiday recovery? Maybe the smartphone can help.
Preserve holiday rest in everyday life
Returning well from vacation, that's what most people do. But after the holiday stay relaxed, many will not succeed. A research team from Germany and Finland is now investigating how recreation can be maintained beyond the holidays. At the Leuphana University Lüneburg, a recovery training was developed, the Holidaily 2.0 App. Stressed professionals should be supported with their help to preserve the holiday recovery in everyday professional life.
Balance between tension and relaxation
The research project of Leuphana in cooperation with the BARMER GEK is dedicated to the question of how recovery after vacation can last longer. The scientists are investigating whether this can be achieved with the "holidaily app", according to a statement from the university.
Holidaily accompanies vacationers during their holiday preparations, during their holidays and especially in the aftermath. It offers small daily exercises for recovery, so-called "Dailys". The motto of the recovery training is: "Every day to bring a little vacation into the working life".
The app "helps working people to find a balance between tension and relaxation", says Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Straub, CEO of BARMER, in a press release.
Every day, the user is offered three proven exercises from the recreational research. He also learns more about his personal strengths and weaknesses in recovering.
Those who practice regularly collect points, making sure that their virtual holiday companions Holidave and Holidaisy are doing well.
Improved resistance to stress
"We designed the Holidaily app with a wink. Holidaily has something playful, "said study leader Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Lehr from the Institute of Psychology of Leuphana.
"Background, however, is the very important role of good recovery in everyday life, the protection against the harmful effects of chronic stress."
In a first study, it was already possible to observe that professionals who train with Holidaily suffer less often from depressive exhaustion in their daily work. Resistance to stress has also improved.
"Almost 30 percent of participants in 'Holidaily' showed signs of depressive symptoms. During the vacation, the proportion dropped significantly and remained below it after the baseline, "said the health psychologist.
Tourists who are interested in participating in the research project can find out more about the study and register to participate. (Ad)