Hives correctly interpret and treat itchy swellings of the skin

Hives correctly interpret and treat itchy swellings of the skin / Health News

Urticaria: symptoms of hives can be handled well

About one in five Germans contracted hives (urticaria) at some point in their lives. The disease causes itchy wheals and swelling of the skin. Thanks to a modern antibody therapy, the prospects have improved significantly to combat hives successfully.

One of the most common skin diseases

Hives (urticaria or nettle fever) are one of the most common skin diseases. About one in five people get sick at least once in their lives at some point in their lives. The causes of hives can have many causes: intolerances, infections or even physical stimuli such as pressure, cold and light. In some cases, medicines are also responsible for the development of hives. Thanks to a modern treatment method, the disease can usually be handled well today.

In hives, large-area, itchy wheals and swelling of the skin often form. Thanks to a modern treatment method, the prospects of successfully combating the skin disease have improved significantly. (Photo: kanachaifoto /

Symptoms are similar to those of an allergy

Despite the different triggers, the symptoms of urticaria, also called hives, are similar to allergy. These are often extensive, itchy wheals and swelling of the skin, reports the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden in a statement.

This complicates the diagnosis and often leads to the fact that the urticaria is often recognized only after a long ordeal and targeted treatment.

As scientists from the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin have discovered, hives can be treated by, among other things, an asthma medication.

And thanks to modern antibody therapy, the prospects of successfully fighting hives have improved significantly.

Around 20 percent of Germans suffer from hives during their lifetime

According to the Dresden University Hospital, around 20 percent of all Germans experience acute urticaria during their lifetime.

In the process, wheals are formed on the skin - often only a few with a small circumference, which spread out considerably and can thus take up a large part of the body surface.

Even mucous membranes, for example in the pharynx, are possible spread areas of hives.

If symptoms persist for more than six weeks, doctors talk about chronic urticaria. These patients are exposed to persistently high levels of suffering.

Various causes possible

Chronic spontaneous urticaria often occurs as a result of infectious processes as a malfunction of the immune system in the defense against infection.

In particular, bacterial infections in the gastrointestinal tract and in the area of ​​the neck, nose and ears, but also on the tooth roots are the cause of infecturticaria.

Another large group of patients suffer from autoreactive urticaria, which activates the mast cells responsible for wheal formation through the body's own substances.

But also intolerance reactions against pseudoallergens such as flavorings, preservatives and dyes or even against natural foodstuffs can be responsible for hives.

"If chronic urticaria is not recognized quickly and treated by specialists, patients are exposed to unnecessary suffering," said Prof. Michael Albrecht, Medical Director of the University Hospital Dresden.

Antibody therapy brings rapid success

Physicians must therefore systematically clarify all options to find out whether the rash behind the hives or even an allergy or intolerance infected.

In case of a diagnosis of urticaria, an innovative antibody therapy can be started. "Most urticaria patients are almost symptom-free after two to three days after the start of therapy," said Prof. Andrea Bauer of the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital.

The team around Prof. Andrea Bauer sees in the urticaria special outpatient clinic of dermatology every year 600 to 700 patients.

Not a few of them suffer for several years before being diagnosed correctly and given therapy to stop the strong symptoms.

In some cases, these are even life-threatening: the throat, for example, can swell, causing patients to suffocate. In some patients, it is the lips or tongue that swells excessively, which greatly limits speaking and eating. (Ad)